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Title: Aspectos técnicos, econômicos, administrativos e de comunicação, associados a produtividade de leite na região de Feira de Santana - Bahia
Authors: Andrade, José Geraldo de
Abreu, Agostinho Roberto de
Reis, Antônia João dos
Lima, Juvencio Braga de
Morais, Vander Azevedo
Keywords: Leite - Produção
Administração rural
Issue Date: 9-May-2017
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: COSTA, B. A. Aspectos técnicos, econômicos, administrativos e de comunicação, associados a produtividade de leite na região de Feira de Santana - Bahia. 1980. 66 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração Rural)-Escola Superior de Agricultura de Lavras, Lavras, 1980.
Abstract: The interest of knowing what variables are associated to the milk production in the administrative region of EMATER-BA, Teira de Santana - Bahia, led to this research accomplishment hat the following objectives: (1) to characterize the dairy xplcitation in the region according to technique, economic, administratives and communicative variables; (2) to check the individual association between the variables involved and the irlilk pr oduc tivi ty ; (3) to check the united association of the spects analysed and the productivity of milk in the region. The administrative region of EMATER.BA, Feira de Santana, as chosen to this research. The public chosen at randon, one onstituted of producers aided in the dairy explotation by the offices from Riachão do Jacuípe, Feira de Santana, Tanquinho,Con eição do Jacuípe and Irará. The sample determined by Neymann's division in fifty-six producers, was divided into four extratcs: [20 - 100 ha); flOO - 200 ha); ["200 - 450 ha); [450 - 700), and he gaíhering of data was made through interviews with the producers using previously tested quêstionaries. To analyse the data one used the tabular analysis, simple correlation and ijnultiple correlation. The standard of the research is based on the theory of Systems. One used as a dependent variable the milk productivity and the following as independent: (1) Degree of speciaiization of the herd technics, usage of vermifuges, struggle against actoparasites, ^irea in artificial pasturage, usage of concen tr ate s, usage of mineral mixture and division of pastures; (2) economic: size of èhe propriety and value of the intentary; (3) administratives: rate of rural administration; (4) communication: interpersonal ontacts (Visits and Meetings), impersonal contacts (radio, agrj. Cultural newspapers and magazines) . The results obtained show in a general way that the quanticative usage of the variables involved are below the tech nique recommendation and the extract I with smaller áreas presents evels of utilization higher than the others besides having presented a bigger productivity. Among the administra tive resources more utilized in the region are the division of work, training of work manship and annual planning. The variables associated individually with the dairy productivity were: degree of specialization of the herd, usage (if vermifuges, struggle against ectoparasite s, usage of concen trates, usage of mineral mixtures, divison pasturages, and rate of rural administ ra tion . The aspects associated together and positivibly with the ilk productivities were: struggle against ectoparasites , usage concentrates, division of pastures, value of the inventaryand ate of rural administration. Associated, but negativily, was tounded the artificial pasturages, and interpersonal contacts. The associated presence in each susbsystem, with at least ne variable considered in this research, shows the systemic (taracter of the milk productivity process.
Description: Esta dissertação/tese está disponível online com base na Resolução CEPE nº 090, de 24 de março de 2015, disponível em, que dispõe sobre a disponibilização da coleção retrospectiva de teses e dissertações online no Repositório Institucional da UFLA, sem autorização prévia dos autores. Parágrafo Único. Caberá ao autor ou orientador a solicitação de restrição quanto à divulgação de teses e dissertações com pedidos de patente ou qualquer embargo similar. Art. 5º A obra depositada no RIUFLA que tenha direitos autorais externos à Universidade Federal de Lavras poderá ser removida mediante solicitação por escrito, exclusivamente do autor, encaminhada à Comissão Técnica da Biblioteca Universitária./ Arquivo gerado por meio da digitalização de material impresso. Alguns caracteres podem ter sido reconhecidos erroneamente.
Appears in Collections:Administração - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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