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Title: Nutritional characteristics of guava leaves and its effects on lipid metabolism in hypercholesterolemic rats
Keywords: Guava leaves - Nutritional characteristics
Guava leaves - Antioxidant activity
Hypercholesterolemia - Treatment
Guava leaves - Hypocholesterolemic potential
Folhas de goiaba - Características nutricionais
Folhas de goiaba - Atividade antioxidante
Hipercolesterolemia - Tratamento
Folhas de goiaba - Potencial hipocolesterolémico
Issue Date: Nov-2014
Publisher: Academic Journals
Citation: FREIRE, J. M. et al. Nutritional characteristics of guava leaves and its effects on lipid metabolism in hypercholesterolemic rats. African Journal of Biotechnology, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 46, p. 4289-4293, Nov. 2014.
Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate antioxidant substances, dietary fiber and antioxidant activity of guava leaves, and evaluate their amelioration hypercholesterolemia in rats. The leaves were dried and crushed into granulated powder. The active ingredient of the leaf powder was extracted by an ethanol/acetone mixture and called ethanol/acetone extract flour. Dietary fiber, vitamin C, beta-carotene, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity were determined in the flours. Thirty (30) rats were used in the present study and categorized into: hypercholesterolemic control, non-hypercholesterolemic rats treated with ethanol/acetone extract flour, hypercholesterolemic rats treated with ethanol/acetone extract flour, non-hypercholesterolemic rats treated with leaf flours, and hypercholesterolemic rats treated with leaf flours. The animals were subjected to experimental hypercholesterolemia and treatment with flours for 42 days. At the end of the treatment, liver weight index versus body weight index, total hepatic lipids, C reactive protein, total cholesterol and fractions were evaluated. The treated hypercholeterolemic animals showed a reduction in total and fractionated cholesterol levels, but no difference was observed in the ratio liver weight index versus body weight index, total hepatic lipids and C reactive protein. It is concluded that guava leaves are a significant source of dietary fiber, phenolic compounds, vitamin C, beta-carotene, besides presenting antioxidant activity and hypocholesterolemic potential.
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