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Title: Variabilidade espacial de atributos físicos do solo e características agronômicas da cultura do café
Other Titles: Spatial variability of soil physical attributes and agronomic characteristics of coffee grop
Authors: FAPEMIG
Keywords: Café – Produtividade
Agricultura de precisão – Métodos estatísticos
Geologia – Métodos estatísticos
Solos argilosos
Solos – Permeabilidade
Solos – Compactação
Coffee – Productivity
Precision farming – Statistical methods
Geology – Statistical methods
Clay soils
Soil permeability
Soil compaction
Coffea arabica
Issue Date: 1-Aug-2017
Abstract: Precision agriculture differs from the conventional by uniting spatial relationships to the variability in the field, becoming an important management tool of the agricultural systems. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate, by classical statistics, geoestatistics and principles of precision agriculture, some physical attributes indicative of soil compaction, such as bulk density, soil penetration resistance and clay content, and some agronomic characteristics of the coffee plant, such as height and yield. The study was conducted at Brejão farm, located in Três Pontas, MG. As data base were collected bulk density, soil resistance to penetration and clay content, at different depths, and also the height and yield of coffee plants in a 24 points irregular grid. The variables generally presented moderate to strong spatial dependence. Observing the maps of soilvariables with of coffee’s variables, it was possible to note that the plant height and yield was high where bulk density, for all evaluated soil layers. There was also higher yield and plant height in regions with lower clay content and lower values of soil resistance to penetration, in all soil layers evaluated.
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Appears in Collections:DEG - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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