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Title: Avaliação de modelo de balanço hídrico com base na estimativa da recarga potencial
Other Titles: Water balance model evaluation based on an estimate of potential recharge
Keywords: Hidrologia
Balanço hídrico
Gestão de recursos hídricos
Hydric balance
Management of water resources
Issue Date: Oct-2016
Publisher: Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais em Bacias Hidrográficas
Citation: PONTES, L. M. et al. Avaliação de modelo de balanço hídrico com base na estimativa da recarga potencial. Revista Ambiente & Água, Taubaté, v. 11, n. 4, p. 915-928, oct./dec. 2016.
Abstract: The free aquifer recharge is a process of major importance in groundwater hydrology because it represents the renewable reserves of the water source. A good estimate of this variable is therefore critical to the proper management of water resources, particularly in light of climate variability inherent to the climate regime, as well as the increasing of surface water pollution and increased demand for good quality water groundwater. This study used a water balance model in soil to estimate the potential recharge (Rp) of the unconfined aquifer and the other components of the hydrological cycle. The model was applied in two watershed headwaters of the Rio Grande in Minas Gerais, Brazil: the Lavrinha River Basin (BHRL) and the Marcela River Basin (BHRM). The BHRL presents higher values of Rp, with an annual average of 895 mm, which corresponds to 40% of rainfall, while at the BHRM these values were 393.3 mm and 25%, respectively. The base runoff values confirm the greater recharge in BRHL, where this hydrograph component corresponded to 76% of the total discharge, compared with 40% for BHRM. The BALSEQ model allowed us to capture this difference, but the results were satisfactory for only one of the years in the BHRL and for the entire period for the BHRM, which reinforces the need to use this model for long time periods.
Appears in Collections:DEG - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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