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Título: Discursos sobre sustentabilidade em uma instituição pública: entre a racionalidade comunicativa e a racionalidade instrumental
Título(s) alternativo(s): Discourse on sustainability in a public institution: between communicative rationality and instrumental rationality
Palavras-chave: Comunicação organizacional
Racionalidade comunicativa
Análise de discurso
Organizational communication
Communicative rationality
Discourse analysis
Data do documento: Jan-2017
Editor: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC)
Citação: SOUZA, R. B. de; SOUZA, A. E. F. A. de; PEREIRA, J. R. Discursos sobre sustentabilidade em uma instituição pública: entre a racionalidade comunicativa e a racionalidade instrumental. Revista Gestão Universitária na América Latina, Florianópolis, v. 10, n. 1, p. 302-323, jan. 2017.
Resumo: In this article, we analyze organizational communication discourses in order to understand therationality by which means journalism in a public institution of higher education. UsingCritical Discourse Analysis on journalistic texts published by the institution, regardingsustainability, we seek to enlighten, based on Jürgen Habermas´s Theory of CommunicativeAction, how the arguments used can be placed, considering the concepts ofteleological/instrumental rationality and communicative rationality. Therefore, it is possible toverify if the texts allow a critical reflection on the theme within the social environment,focusing on the search for understanding and problematization of the issue debated within thepublic sphere. The results fit the need for institutional journalism to compromise moreintensely with the precepts of public communication, public interest and public welfare. Thestrategic orientation aimed at the promotion of the institutional image was predominant innews production.
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