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Title: Espécies vegetais potenciais para recuperação de áreas sob a influência da mineração de bauxita em campos de altitude na região de Poços de Caldas - MG
Other Titles: Plant species potentials of recovery areas with interference of bauxite mining in altitude fields in Poços de Caldas region, MG state
Keywords: Áreas degradadas
Levantamento florístico
Emergência de propágulos
Regeneração natural
Degraded areas
Floristic survey
Emergence of propagules
Natural regeneration
Issue Date: Jan-2017
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
Citation: NASCIMENTO, G. de O. et al. Plant species potentials of recovery areas with interference of bauxite mining in altitude fields in Poços de Caldas region, MG state. Ciência Florestal, Santa Maria, v. 27, n. 1, p. 85-96, jan./mar. 2017.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to perform a survey of the main species derived from the propagules present on the topsoil over bauxite mines in "Altitude Fields in Atlantic Forest", as a form to suggest potential species for recovering degraded areas. Samples were taken from the first five centimeters of substrate containing the area propagative material. The samples were housed in a nursery where we counted the plant emergences every 24 hours, identifying the individuals at the end. The abundance and diversity indexes were calculated. In this study, three of the higher occurrence species were common in both periods (dry and rainy): Ageratum fastigiatum, Echinolaena inflexa and Borreria latifolia. The value found for the Shannon Index (H') for the species derived from propagules on the topsoil in vegetation in the altitude fields in Atlantic Forest during the dry period were of 2.79 nats.ind-1 and during the rainy period was of 2.23 nats.ind-1. Pielou's equability observed for the dry period was of 0.72 and for the rainy period was of 0.63. The similarity between both periods was of 0.36. Comparing the response variable number of individuals between both periods, we identified a statistical difference with a larger mean for the dry period. According to the conditions this work was performed in, it is possible to ascertain that there are species with potential to recover mined areas in vegetation in altitude fields. Therefore, we suggest that ecology complementary studies are performed on these species and seed technology as a way to fundament the application of this knowledge in mined area recovery practices.
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