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Title: Educação profissional: tessituras da formação e da experiência docente
Other Titles: Professional education: pathways of teacher's trainning and practices
Authors: Betlinski, Carlos
Betlinski, Carlos
Barbosa, Vanderlei
Andrade, Ana Lúcia Menezes de
Keywords: Educação profissional
Políticas públicas
Formação cultural
Formação continuada
Professional education
Public policy
Cultural training
Continuing education
Issue Date: 7-Nov-2018
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: SOUSA, E. de. Educação profissional: tessituras da formação e da experiência docente. 2018. 154 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação)-Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2018.
Abstract: The professional education in Brazil, over a few decades, in the scope of public policies has been implanted and implemented with emphasis on the worker training for the market and the world of work. Therefore, teacher training for professional education, denotes reflection and critical self-reflection, through the characteristics imposed by the current educational system. This work is the result of an investigation that had the primary objective to analyze teacher training from the aesthetics perspective in a professional education institution looking for an answer to the problem in question: How can aesthetic va lues contribute to the training and pedagogical practices of teachers working in a professional education institution in Minas Gerais? For this analysis to be completed successfully, secondary objectives were established: to identify the constituent teacher training aspects, based on their academic trajectory and their practices; to systematize some aesthetic foundations, correlated to the teacher training from the Critical Theory of Society; to propose an action plan, from the aesthetics perspective, that can contribute to the cultural teacher training. The theoretical contribution was based on the Critical Theory of Society given the contributions by Frankfurtians thinkers: Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Walter Benjamin, Herbert Marcuse and contemporar y authors: Bruno Pucci, Jeanne Marie Gabnebin, Marcos Nobre, Olgária Matos, Susan Buck Morss. In this study reflects on some concepts elaborated by the Critical Theory of Society as: semiformation, cultural formation, instrumental reason, aesthetic values that make it possible to (re) think about teacher training in the aesthetics perspective. The investigative approach was delineated by the qualitative research, a case study, supported by the Content Analysis Technique and it was used from instruments such as literary works, interviews and institutional documents. The major contribution of this study is the provision of continuing education to teachers working in professional educational institutions (technical and higher level education), from a new perspective on teaching, focusing on cultural formation guided by the use of movie theater. During the investigation, it was essential to "listen, perceive, feel," actions that confirmed the need to understand the gaps between being and doing of the teacher in order to combat the reification of a professional formation that needs to support the omnilateral man who it also depends on a capitalist system to survive. There were formal meetings regarding the registers, but there was an effective and rewarding interaction between the researcher and the object of the research, in the unveiling the formation of the teacher (he/she), walk, intertwined by cultural formation while if it constitutes professional of the education area and mediator of the formation of so many other professionals.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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