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Title: Modelo analítico para a compreensão da governança em arranjos produtivos locais (APLS)
Other Titles: Analytical model for understanding the governance in local productive arrangements (LPAs)
Keywords: Cooperação
Desenvolvimento local
Políticas públicas
Local development
Public policy
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Universidade de Taubaté
Citation: ANTERO, C. A. da S. et al. Modelo analítico para a compreensão da governança em arranjos produtivos locais (APLS). Revista Brasileira de Gestão e Desenvolvimento Regional, Taubaté, v. 12, n. 3, p. 371-396, set./dez. 2016.
Abstract: The aim of this study was to propose an analytical model to systematize the understanding of governance in LPA. A literature search of descriptive character was performed to identify publications of the last five years. The construction of the analytical model was facilitated by adopting two strategies: provide a process for understanding governance in LPA, which comprises the steps: identifying theories, identify empirical factors, identify dimensions, identify elements and assessment criteria, and propose figures with representation and application of key concepts used in the analytical model. Studies on governance in LPA were gathered in two approaches: relationship between businesses and coordination of actors, the latter being more appropriate to capture the reality of LPA. Empirical factors have been identified (spatial and sectoral concentration, existence of entities, relationships between actors and obtain of benefits) that allow characterize a LPA, from which structural and procedural dimensions of governance were indicated. Based on the dimensions identified three elements: cooperation, coordination and representation, from which classification criteria have been nominated for identifying implications as to how governance occurs in LPA. This study expanded the understanding of the topic governance in LPA to join forces as the work already developed and especially the detailed statement of criteria for their understanding regarding the procedures used to conduct an investigation, which may be adopted in future research.
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