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Title: O desenvolvimento de estratégias pedagógicas para o ensino dos biomas brasileiros em atividades do estágio supervisionado da licenciatura em Biologia a partir de experiências do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação a Docência
Other Titles: The development of pedagogical strategies for lessons about brazilian biomes in activities from the internship in Biology based on experiences of Institutional Scholarship Program of Teaching Initiation - PIBID
El desarrollo de estrategias pedagógicas para la enseñanza de los biomas brasileños en actividades de la etapa supervisada de la licenciatura en Biología a partir de experiencias del Programa Institucional de Becas de Iniciación a la Docencia - PIBID
Keywords: Ensino de biomas
Estágio supervisionado
Estratégias pedagógicas
Teaching biomes
Supervised internship
Pedagogical strategies
Enseñanza de biomas
Etapa supervisada
Estrategias pedagógicas
Biomas - Ensino
Estratégias didáticas
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Associação Amigos da Natureza da Alta Paulista (ANAP)
Citation: SOUZA, M. J.; VALLIN, C.; NASCIMENTO JUNIOR, A. F. O desenvolvimento de estratégias pedagógicas para o ensino dos biomas brasileiros em atividades do estágio supervisionado da licenciatura em Biologia a partir de experiências do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação a Docência. Fórum Ambiental da Alta Paulista, [S.l.], v. 14, n. 4, p. 96-109, 2018. DOI:
Abstract: The Supervised Internship represents the possibility of approaching the person who is graduating with the teaching practice, and allows them to articulate the knowledge acquired during their initial formation with the reality of schools. The Institutional Initiation to Teaching Program (Pibid) provides the development of practices that corroborate the formation of teachers. This work aims to report and discuss the lessons performed by the author during the Supervised Internship. They were taughtat the Dom Delfim State School, in the city of Itumirim-MG, with the second years of high school in the first academic period of 2016. The lessons were designed and developed based on experiences acquired in Pibid, understanding the importance of considering the reality of the students. This paper discusses the strategies applied during the classes, such as: films Brave Brazillian People (Brava Gente Brasileira) and Biosphere Guardians (Guardiões da Biosfera), songs Slaughter (Matança), Amazon Saga (Saga da Amazônia), Fruits of the Earth (Frutos da Terra), When the tide fills (Quando a mare encher), cordel literature Caatinga Declaimed (CaatingaDeclamada), poem Homeland (Pátria), TV series chapter The House of Seven Women (A Casa das SeteMulheres) and photographs. From these discussions, it was possible to perceive that the use of videos, music and interactive methodology with the discussion of socio-political-cultural issues, as worked and encouraged by Pibid in the construction of pedagogical strategies in high school classes, collaborates with teaching and deepens student interest and learning.
Appears in Collections:DBI - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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