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Title: Desenvolvimento local do Povoado de Melancias frente as transformações do norte de Minas Gerais
Other Titles: Local development of the Melancias Village due to the transformacions of the North of Minas Gerais
Keywords: Políticas públicas
Norte de Minas
Public policy
North of Minas Gerais
Issue Date: 2018
Publisher: Universidade Católica Dom Bosco
Citation: PRATES, L. A.; VALADÃO, J. de A. D. Desenvolvimento local do Povoado de Melancias frente as transformações do norte de Minas Gerais. Interações, Campo Grande, MS, v. 19, n. 1, p. 305-324, jan./mar. 2018.
Abstract: This paper discusses local development in relaƟon to modern developmental proposiƟons, specifically in the Northern region of Minas Gerais. TheoreƟcally, discussions were held about the concept of development in peripheral countries and their relaƟonship with local development. Methodologically, oral histories were used. The results show that the development of the region has imposed new logics on local development, presenƟng, at the same Ɵme, the potenƟal for endogenous development in the face of the transformaƟons that have occurred in the region.
Appears in Collections:DAE - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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