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Title: A importância da aula de literatura na escola
Other Titles: The importance of the literature class at school
Keywords: Literatura
Linguagem literária
Leitura literária
Literary language
Literary reading
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: RODRIGUES, S. A.; PORTOLOMEOS, A. A importância da aula de literatura na escola. In: SIMPÓSIO DE PESQUISA EM EDUCAÇÃO, 2., 2018, Lavras. Anais... Lavras: UFLA, 2018. Não paginado.
Abstract: This article aims to highlight the importance of the literature class within the school. The work has as methodological orientation the study of theoretical and literary texts, more specifically, Antonio Candido, Nelly Novaes Coelho, Renè Wellek, Austin Warren and José J. Veiga. According to Coelho (1991), literature is considered the art of language and as any art requires an initiation, so it is the teacher's role to understand the importance of student's initiation in literature and the importance of planning a good class considering the specificity of the literary language and literary reading that implies a variety of possible interpretations. This will point to the subjective interpretation of the literary text associated with the reality of each reader, that is, we can distinguish literary language from everyday language whose interpretation is more univocal. In this work will be shown, through the tale Professor Pulquério, present in the book Os Cavalinhos de Platinplanto de 1989 by the author José J. Veiga, how the teacher can, in the literature class, develop the subjectivity of the student and his critical thinking from reading literary. The work with the literary work shows how sensitive language promotes reflections about the reality in which we live giving us the possibility of transforming it.
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