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Title: Gestão Social no “Divã”: uma Análise dos Estudos Publicados em Periódicos Nacionais entre 2001 e 2011
Other Titles: Social Management on “Divan”: an Analysis of Studies Published in National Journals between 2001 and 2011
Keywords: Gestão social
Produção científica
Análise Bibliométrica
Análise de redes sociais
Social management
Scientific production
Bibliometric analysis
Social networks analysis
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Universidade Federal da Bahia
Citation: BORGES, G. F. et al. Gestão Social no “Divã”: uma Análise dos Estudos Publicados em Periódicos Nacionais entre 2001 e 2011. Revista NAU Social, Salvador, v. 4, n. 7, p. 43-62, 2014.
Abstract: Being focused by events and scientific magazines, the Social Management has gained prominence in the last years. This paper presents results of a study which analyzed the studies conducted in Brazil about Social Management through a search on national scientific production published in the main periodicals of the broad area of “Administration (Business), Accounting and Tourism”, according to CAPES assessment, regarding the period between 2001 and 2011. The intention was specifically: (i) to make a descriptive analysis of the articles; (ii) to perform a bibliometric analysis (concerning the Law of Lotka); (iii) to perform a sociometric analysis, intending to identify the possible collaborative social networks among the authors, and to verify possible correlations between the sociometric indicators and researchers’ productivity. The results showed that the journals have received more publications were Cadernos EBAPE.BR and Revista de Administração Pública (RAP). Most articles presented theoretical approach (62,75%), and between empirical work about 63% used a qualitative approach, and the data collection instruments were more frequent interviews and documentary research. It was also found that the publications focus on some authors only and they are involved in a collaborative social network of researchers, demonstrating the importance of these links for the development of studies in the area.
Appears in Collections:DAE - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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