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Title: Inductors of resistance and their role in photosynthesis and antioxidant system activity of coffee seedlings
Keywords: Coffea arabica
Superoxide dismutase
Ascorbate peroxidase
Issue Date: Dec-2014
Publisher: Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP)
Citation: FERNANDES, L. H. M. et al. Inductors of resistance and their role in photosynthesis and antioxidant system activity of coffee seedlings. American Journal of Plant Sciences, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 25, Dec. 2014.
Abstract: We investigated the effects of formulations based on phosphite products on gas exchange and activity of antioxidant enzymes in coffee plants. Seedlings of the Mundo Novo cultivar were submitted to various treatments composed of different formulations of with potassium phosphite (ADB 120), manganese phosphite (Reforce Mn), and fungicide (PrioriXtra&reg). For coffee seedlings, the combination of potassium phosphite and citrus by-products, isolated or in a combination with other products elicited the antioxidant system. Besides the high activity of antioxidant enzymes, the photosynthetic rates were higher than other treatments. The better performance of coffee seedlings treated with those formulations occurred even in absence of pathogens.
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