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Title: A rede de proteção social: a educação e a atuação do psicólogo nos limites e possibilidades da autorreflexão crítica
Other Titles: The social protection network: psychologist's education and performance with in the limits and possibilities of critical self-reflection
Authors: Rodrigues, Luciana Azevedo
Farias, Márcio Norberto
Viana, Cynthia Maria Jorge
Keywords: Formação cultural
Semiformação cultural
Sistema Único de Assistência Social (SUAS)
Cultural formation
Cultural semi-formation
Unified Social Assistance System
Issue Date: 31-Jan-2020
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: XAVIER, S. L. B. A rede de proteção social: a educação e a atuação do psicólogo nos limites e possibilidades da autorreflexão crítica. 2020. 124 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2019.
Abstract: This thesis discusses the performance conditions of the Psychologist within the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS). Its objective is to promote the exercise of critical self-reflection of the semi-formation within psychological accompaniment in the Special Social Protection - SUAS along with Specialized Reference Center for Social Assistance (SRCSA), over an experience of approximately seven years. In the first chapter, we address the constitution of the public policy of social assistance in Brazil, describing how this system has solidified in a society immersed in a capitalist socioeconomic historical process. In this context, we trace its time-line, making a brief history prior to the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, gaining consistency after its promulgation, where the State declares to assume its responsibility to eradicate poverty and marginalization and reduce social inequalities. We then expose prerogatives on how the Government shyly takes the first steps towards social assistance after 1988 and in 1993 with the Social Assistance Organic Law, providing a space to understand how neoliberal, capitalist, and social factors acted and act contrary to the Federal Laws of 1988, 1993, and as of 2003, adopting an emphatic behavior in face of the guidelines of its own Federal Constitution, aiming at the professionalization of this broad public policy, permeated by tensions arising from a consumer society. We also discuss how this legislative apparatus is flooded by the objective representations of an economic production system that constitutes the process of subjectivation of the individual. In view of this more general context, we discuss the negative view of the Psychologist regarding the importance of social representations in a relatively new public social assistance public policy, with several fragmentations in the federative entities. In the second chapter, we describe the working conditions within this system through the author's own memories. Thus, we seek to create awareness regarding crossed practices, for a broader historical and social perspective. An awareness that helps to recognize the limits of the theoretical assumptions in order to develop greater confidence about the potentialities of action and how it can positively flirt with the professional who is also affected by this social reality. Finally, in the third chapter, we bring the concept of semi-formation in Adorno and other writings of the Frankfurt School and contemporary authors, dialoguing with psychoanalytical concepts and providing a comprehensive understanding of the Psychologist's performance in order to not only better visualize the generalized semi-formation present, but also visualize the potentialities of their critical self-reflection for their own professional practice and cultural formation. In conclusion, despite recognizing advances in the human formation of public policies such as SUAS, we must understand how the structure of the State develops to insert the individual in the system in a path of adaptation permeated by symbolic values of a society constituted through a cultural semi-formation as cultural formation, which primes capitalist relations as a single format, ignoring the interaction between subject and object, thus resulting in the promotion of an ideological service that denies the possibilities of a true cultural formation.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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