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Title: Eficiência da utilização dos recursos renováveis nas universidades federais
Other Titles: Eficiencia de la utilización de los recursos renovables en las universidades federales
Efficiency in the use of renewable resources at the federal universities
Keywords: Eficiência organizacional
Recursos naturais
Energia Elétrica
Organizational effectiveness
Natural resources
Electric power
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: ENAP - Escola Nacional de Administração Pública
Citation: CURI, M. A. et al. Eficiência da utilização dos recursos renováveis nas universidades federais. Revista do Serviço Público, Brasília, v. 70, n. 4, p. 658-692, out./dez. 2019.
Abstract: The present research was conducted with the objective of evaluating the level of efficiency in the use of renewable resources at the federal universities (UFs). The study is characterized as a descriptive-exploratory research, with quantitative approach of the issue. In order to reach the proposed objective, measuring the level of relative efficiency of the use of renewable resources, applying the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The results revealed that, regarding the use of the water renewable resource, in average, 8 FUs presented efficiency levels per analyzed year. In the analysis for the electric energy renewable resource, in average, per analyzed year, 9 FUs presented relative efficiency levels. For the analysis of the paper resource, 11 FUs, in average, per analyzed year, were on the borderline of efficiency. Therefore, the results presented and discussed in the present work allowed for a general view of the level of efficiency in the use of renewable resources at FUs. The study can contribute for a better exploitation of natural resources and for the improvement of transparency in the public sector.
Appears in Collections:DAE - Artigos publicados em periódicos

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