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Title: A biblioteca escolar como espaço de ações pedagógicas para formação de leitores
Other Titles: The school library as a pedagogical space to stimulate reading actions
Authors: Goulart, Ilsa do Carmo Vieira
Fonseca, Helena Maria
Maziero, Maria das Dores Soares
Keywords: Bibliotecas escolares
Formação de leitores
Letramento literário
Formação de professores
School library
Training of readers
Literary literacy
Teacher training
Issue Date: 18-May-2020
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: ASSIS, M. B. de. A biblioteca escolar como espaço de ações pedagógicas para formação de leitores. 2020. 153 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação)-Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2020.
Abstract: Considering the school library as a space for the formation of readers and a pedagogical resource, this research raises the following questions: What are the characteristics of a professional who works in a school library? How are the pedagogical actions or reading activities developed in the school library space configured? Therefore, this work is justified by the recognition of the school library as a stimulating environment in the educational process and by the need for the activities developed there to be integrated with the pedagogical processes, effectively participating in the construction of teaching and learning, in relation to the understanding of reading and writing of children and young people in schools. For this, this research aims to identify the profile of professionals working in libraries and the actions performed by them. The study was conducted in the municipal education network of the urban area of a city located in the region called Campos das Vertentes, in the state of Minas Gerais. A qualitative, descriptive and exploratory research was carried out based on field research. A literature review was produced, in which academic texts were collected, classified and ordered that deal with the function of the school library and its role as a space for training and mediation of reading. We sought information, assuming as a methodological procedure of data collection a semi-structured instrument of interviews with professionals who work in the libraries of urban schools in the municipal education network of a city in the Campos das Vertentes region, in Minas Gerais, which allowed us to know who is this professional who works in the library, what is his background, what led him to work in the library. From experience reports, we know the pedagogical proposals in relation to the teaching of reading developed in the school libraries in order to signal the interactions between the educational practices developed in the classroom and the proposals of the reading projects of the libraries. To support the theoretical discussions, the research is based on the studies of Campello (2010, 2012), Colomer (2007, 2018), Cosson (2014, 2018), Durban Roca (2012), Gasque (2012), Oriá (2017), Perrotti (1990), Silva (1993, 1999, 2001, 2010) and Silva, Ferreira and Scorsi (2009), among others. We also propose to be guided by several official documents, especially documents issued by the Ministry of Education. For the analysis of the speeches of the interviews, we used the Discursive Textual Analysis as a procedure, thus proceeding to unitize based on two large “units of meaning” or “units of records”, one referring to the profile of the professional who works in School Libraries, subdivided in aspects that characterize the profile and motivations for choosing the job; another that refers to the actions developed in the School Libraries, subdivided into four dimensions, which contemplate the structure, organization of activities, the training of readers and adaptation of the physical space. In conclusion, we come across teachers and technicaladministrative staff who are widely engaged in library services, although most of them have no training for this. There is also great enthusiasm and effort for literary literacy activities with students, despite the little investment in the training of these professionals, as well as in library spaces in relation to the collection, furniture and equipment. It is also noted the lack of commitment of the public administration for not providing these spaces with professionals trained for this purpose, in this case, librarians. Finally, this research presents as a final product the development of a course as an extension project to be taught to professionals who work in school libraries in order to subsidize their services, both in the technical aspect of the library and in literary literacy.
Description: Arquivo retido, a pedido do autor até maio 2022.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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