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metadata.artigo.dc.title: Using psychoneuroimmunity against COVID-19
metadata.artigo.dc.creator: Kim, Sung-Wan
Su, Kuan-Pin
metadata.artigo.dc.subject: COVID-19
metadata.artigo.dc.publisher: Elsevier Jul-2020
metadata.artigo.dc.identifier.citation: KIM, S.-W.; SU, K.-P. Using psychoneuroimmunity against COVID-19. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, [S.l.], v. 87, p. 4-5, July 2020.
metadata.artigo.dc.description.abstract: The worldwide outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) raises concerns of widespread panic and anxiety in individuals subjected to the real or perceived threat of the virus. Compared to general populations, patients who are institutionalized in a closed unit are also very vulnerable to COVID-19 infection and complications. This crisis touched on difficult issues of not only psychiatric care and ethics, but also psychological impacts to psychiatric care givers. In this Viewpoint, we address both physical and biopsychosocial aspects of this infection, as well as the psychoneuroimmunity of preventive strategies of healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, balanced nutrition, quality sleep and a strong connection with people. Social distancing and wearing masks might help us from pathogen exposure, yet such these measures also prevent us from expressing compassion and friendliness. Therefore, all forms of psychological support should be routinely implemented not only to consider psychological resilience but also to enhance psychoneuroimmunity against COVID-19.
metadata.artigo.dc.language: en_US
Appears in Collections:FCS - Artigos sobre Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

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