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Title: Robust assembly line balancing with heterogeneous workers
Keywords: Assembly line balancing
Heterogeneous workers
Robust optimization
Integer programming
Constructive heuristic
Balanceamento de linha de montagem
Trabalhadores heterogêneos
Otimização robusta
Programação inteira
Heurística construtiva
Issue Date: Oct-2015
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: MOREIRA, M. C. O. et al. Robust assembly line balancing with heterogeneous workers. Computers & Industrial Engineering, New York, v. 88, p. 254-263, Oct. 2015.
Abstract: Assembly lines are manufacturing systems in which a product is assembled progressively in workstations by different workers or machines, each executing a subset of the needed assembly operations (or tasks). We consider the case in which task execution times are worker-dependent and uncertain, being expressed as intervals of possible values. Our goal is to find an assignment of tasks and workers to a minimal number of stations such that the resulting productivity level respects a desired robust measure. We propose two mixed-integer programming formulations for this problem and explain how these formulations can be adapted to handle the special case in which one must integrate a particular set of workers in the assembly line. We also present a fast construction heuristic that yields high quality solutions in just a fraction of the time needed to solve the problem to optimality. Computational results show the benefits of solving the robust optimization problem instead of its deterministic counterpart.
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