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Title: A cidade e o rio - Uma ponte para um futuro sustentável: requalificação urbana participativa na orla fluvial do distrito de Flora-MG
Other Titles: The city and the river - a bridge to a sustainable future: participative urban requalification in the fluvial slope of the district of Flora-MG
Authors: Chiodi, Rafael Eduardo
Chiodi, Rafael Eduardo
Assis, Thiago Rodrigo de Paula
Coimbra, Luciana Bracarense
Keywords: Urbanismo colaborativo
Gestão participativa
Desenvolvimento sustentável
Collaborative urbanism
Participative management
Sustainable development
Issue Date: 20-Jul-2020
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: VASCONCELOS, A. S. J. A cidade e o rio - Uma ponte para um futuro sustentável: requalificação urbana participativa na orla fluvial do distrito de Flora-MG. 2020. 124 p. Projeto Técnico (Dissertação em Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Extensão) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2020.
Abstract: This technical project has as main objective to elaborate a project for urban requalification of an edge portion of the Verde River in the district of Flora – Minas Gerais, at the preliminary study level, focusing on local sustainable development and with the application of participatory urban management tools. This work expresses the importance that riverbanks urban areas have for sustainable urban development, showing that the relation between city and river can be beneficial or harmful to both, depending on the uses and activities developed in these areas. The specific legislation presented points out paths for possible interventions in these areas, especially for its public use. In this work conducts documentary and field research, to identify the characteristics of the Flora district and to clarify how the population perceives a central area of its riverfront, underutilized and with potential for public use. Using participatory methodological tools, such as a questionnaire, interviews, focus groups and collaborative projects, in the district identifies the need for urban improvements and especially in the subject area of study, defining proposals for its use. It analyzes the data collected in a qualitative and quantitative way, as well as making relations with the theoretical framework and comparing these data with the proposals contained in the Master Plan for Urban and Environmental Development of Três Corações – Minas Gerais. This analysis culminates with urban requalification project development, for the subject study area, with a view to sustainable development. This product can be used by the community in the search for improvements in its urban structure and the well-being of the community. According to the analyzes, it is understood that the Master Plan for Urban and Environmental Development of Três Corações proposals for Flora, are similar to the demands of the Flora community, identified through field research, carried out in this work. They are also in line with the theoretical framework on sustainable development and related to legislation, presented in this paper. The main demand identified is the definitive solution for access to the district by means of a bridge or walkway, for the Verde River crossing. It was also identified the demand for a public space that includes uses for leisure, sports, culture, contemplation, income generation and environmental preservation. The data collected show that the needs of the population, in its majority, besides being compatible with the proposals of the Master Plan for Urban and Environmental Development of Três Corações, are possible to be implemented in the subject study area, because they are foreseen in the legislation about the Permanent Preservation Area use, specifically the Brazilian Forestry Code and MG Law nº 20.922/2013. In line with the theoretical framework presented, the present work understands that public spaces on the riverfront, in particular the subject study area, have a close connection with the well-being of the surrounding population, and these must have their public uses defined in participatory manner and with a view to local sustainable development. Finally, this work alerts to the consequences of urbanization without proper planning and without considering the limits imposed by natural environments, which do not delay to reoccupy where their space once was, causing serious risks to the populations of these urbanized areas.
Appears in Collections:Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Extensão - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertação)

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