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Title: Prospecção do potencial cosmecêutico da casca de atemoia
Other Titles: Prospecting the cosmeceutical potential of the atemoia bark
Authors: Marcussi, Silvana
Freire, Juliana Mesquita
Marcussi, Silvana
Freire, Juliana Mesquita
Zambeli, Clayton Oliveira
Piccoli, Roberta Hilsdorf
Tomasi, Sérgio Scherrer
Keywords: Fotoproteção
Compostos fenólicos
Resíduos de frutos
Phenolic compounds
Fruit residues
Issue Date: 12-Aug-2020
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: ABREU, T. S. de. Prospecção do potencial cosmecêutico da casca de atemoia. 2020. 82 p. Tese (Doutorado em Agroquímica) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2020.
Abstract: Rural producers, agricultural cooperatives and even the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries have been looking for solutions to reuse fruit residues in order to take advantage of bioactive compounds. In the Annonaceae family, the commercialization of atemoia stands out for representing 54% of sales. Atemoia is a hybrid fruit (Annona squamosa L x Annona cherimola Mill) that has relevant organoleptic, phytochemical and pharmacological properties. Generally, the fruit is discarded when it does not meet the standards of uniformity of color, size and shape required in food marketing. In this context, the objective of this work is to characterize extracts from the atemoia bark and then develop an emulsion with the atemoia bark as one of the raw materials. In cosmetology, when the product has subtherapeutic properties, it is classified as cosmeceutical. The worldwide interest in the use of natural raw materials in cosmeceuticals is growing, therefore, concomitant with the development of formulations, the concentrations of all components must be evaluated in tests of physical, chemical and microbiological stability. Results: The total phenolic compounds in the extracts were 144mg EAG 100g-1 and 153.6 mg EAG 100g-1 for the extracts at 50:50 and 70:30 respectively. The minerals were K and Fe. In the disk antibiogram and minimum bactericidal concentration (CMB) by microdilution and by micro drop, the extracts had CMB of 25mg.mL-1 for Staphylococcus aureus, S. epidermidis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The sun protection factor (SPF) was better at higher concentrations. The anti-inflammatory activity evaluated by the inhibition of phospholipases, was more effective in the highest concentrations of extract, while in thermal hemolysis the lowest concentrations exerted a greater protective effect on the erythrocyte membrane. When incorporated into the emulsions, the extracts, at concentrations of 2%, 5% and 10%, showed physical-chemical and microbiological stability with pH 5.8 and density 1.2g mL-1. The SPF decreased when compared to the crude extract. The antimicrobial potential was not maintained on S. aureus but persisted on P. aeruginosa. The emulsions also showed significant transmembrane permeation with 10% extract. And finally, they had good results in the sensorial analysis, obtaining a purchase intention in 80% of the interviewees. Final Considerations: The activities evaluated in the present work suggest possible applications of these compounds in the cosmeceutical and / or pharmaceutical industry, as well as other plant extracts with similar chemical composition. In this way, the development of a cosmeceutical emulsion can contribute economically to the agricultural production cycle, in addition to resulting in benefits to the consumer of the product in relation to skin care and health.
Appears in Collections:Agroquímica - Doutorado (Teses)

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