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Title: Pairwise thermal entanglement in the Ising-XYZ diamond chain structure in an external magnetic field
Keywords: Spins
Heisenberg coupling
Quantum chains
Issue Date: 4-Dec-2014
Publisher: IOP Publishing
Citation: TORRICO, J. et al. Pairwise thermal entanglement in the Ising-XYZ diamond chain structure in an external magnetic field. Europhysics Letters, [S.l.], v. 108, n. 5, Dec. 2014. DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/108/50007.
Abstract: Quantum entanglement is one of the most fascinating types of correlation that can be shared only among quantum systems. The Heisenberg chain is one of the simplest quantum chains which exhibits a rich entanglement feature, due to the fact that the Heisenberg interaction is quantum coupling in the spin system. The two particles were coupled trough XYZ coupling or simply called as two-qubit XYZ spin, which are the responsible for the emergence of thermal entanglement. These two-qubit operators are bonded to two nodal Ising spins, and this process is repeated infinitely resulting in a diamond chain structure. We will discuss the two-qubit thermal entanglement effect on the Ising-XYZ diamond chain structure. The concurrence could be obtained straightforwardly in terms of two-qubit density operator elements; using this result we study the thermal entanglement, as well as the threshold temperature where entangled state vanishes. The present model displays a quite unusual concurrence behavior, e.g., the boundary of two entangled regions becomes a disentangled region, and this is intrinsically related to the XY-anisotropy in the Heisenberg coupling. Although a similar property had been found for only two qubits, here we show it for the case of a diamond chain structure, which reasonably represents real materials.
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