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Title: Population structure of Calyptranthes clusiifolia O.Berg in two patches in the Southern Minas Gerais state
Other Titles: Estrutura populacional de Calyptranthes clusiifolia O.Berg em dois fragmentos florestais no sul de Minas Gerais
Keywords: Plant ecology
Habitat fragmentation
Atlantic forest
Ecologia vegetal
Fragmentação de habitat
Mata atlântica
Issue Date: Oct-2014
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
Citation: MOREL, J. D. et al. Population structure of Calyptranthes clusiifolia O.Berg in two patches in the Southern Minas Gerais state. Bioscience Journal, Uberlandia, v. 30, p. 924-937, Oct. 2014. Suplemento 2.
Abstract: This work intended to study the structure of two populations of Calyptranthes clusiifoliain two patches of Semidecidual Seasonal Forest in different anthropic conditions. In each patch we established transections where all the individuals of the species were sampled. We distributed the individuals in height classes and also evaluated their spatial distribution. We found that the first patch possesses a number of 5.28 individuals as high as the ones presented by the second patch. The first patch presented a great number of individuals in all the age classes and aggregated spatial distribution. There were greater concentration of adult individuals on the edges, in agreement with the characteristics of heliophytic species, and greater concentration of young individuals in the interior. The anthropic fragment showed an unstructured pattern with insufficient individuals to characterize the population as in regeneration, for its evidences of past and present disturbances that interfere with the establishment and persistence of species in the area.
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