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Title: A inclusão a partir do esporte adaptado nas aulas de educação física na visão de professores e gestores de uma escola pública do sul de Minas Gerais
Other Titles: The inclusion from adapted sport in physical education classes in the view of teachers and managers of a public school in the South of Minas Gerais
Authors: Lima, Francine de Paulo Martins
Pereira, Deyliane Aparecida de Almeida
Reis, Fabio Pinto Gonçalves dos
Keywords: Esportes para pessoas com deficiência
Esportes adaptados
Educação física para crianças com deficiência
Educação física (Ensino fundamental)
Sports for people with disabilities
Adapted sports
Physical education for children with disabilities
Physical education (elementary school)
Issue Date: 28-Jun-2021
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: ABRÃO, J. L. A inclusão a partir do esporte adaptado nas aulas de educação física na visão de professores e gestores de uma escola pública do sul de Minas Gerais. 2021. 106 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Educação) – Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2021.
Abstract: This study aims to investigate the contributions of inclusion initiatives based on adapted sport in Physical Education classes, from the point of view of the teachers and administrators of a public school in the southern of Minas Gerais. As a methodological path, we opted for a research with a qualitative exploratory approach. A bibliographic survey was carried out on the subject in question, document analysis, as well as an open and semi-structured questionnaire with teachers and managers of a state school in the southern of Minas Gerais. For the questionnaires, the Google Forms resource was used, due to the necessary social distance resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Data analysis allowed the organization of information in three categories, namely: a) The role of School Physical Education and the inclusion of students with disabilities, b) The gains of Adapted Sports at school, c) The work with Adapted Sports to more inclusive pedagogical practices in the school context. Regarding the role of School Physical Education and inclusion, the results point out that adaptations for students with disabilities are still necessary, in order to provide opportunities for their real inclusion in the proposed activities and the development of a feeling of belonging to the group. As for the gains of adapted sports at school, it was possible to observe that Physical Education, through adapted sports, has contributed to the constitution of a new work identity and of actions related to inclusion, notably when it values the individuality of the student, providing opportunities for his or her participation in activities, without distinction, recognizing the limits of each one and helping him or her to overcome challenges. Regarding the work with adapted sports to more inclusive pedagogical practices, it was possible to verify that the inclusion initiatives, through adapted sports, contributed to overcoming challenges, also, in the classroom contexts, in the work in other areas of knowledge, being revealed in more participatory postures of students in different situations, denoting changes in the sense of security when participating in activities and in the development of self-esteem. The debate brought important contributions to think about adapted sport at school as a service to inclusion in School Physical Education, revealing the relevant role of a faculty committed to inclusion and inclusive practices. However, the literature emphasizes that there is still little research on adapted sport in the school context. Therefore, a range of future studies is opened to direct pedagogical proposals for the insertion of adapted sport in schools, aiming at promoting inclusion, awareness, and diversity of body practices for all students in basic education.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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