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Results 481-490 of 592 (Search time: 0.003 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2013Planning and implemeting it governance in brazilian public organizationsBermejo, Paulo Henrique de Souza; Tonneli, Adriano Olimpio
6-May-2015Conformidade e visualização arquitetural em linguagens dinâmicasMiranda, Sergio; Valente, Marco Túlio; Terra, Ricardo
Dec-2017Qualitative review of usability problems in health information systems for radiologyDias, Camila Rodrigues; Pereira, Marluce Rodrigues; Freire, André Pimenta
Jun-2017Image quality treatment to improve iris biometric systemsAlmeida Junior, Franciscone Luiz de; França, Rodrigo Nani; Rodriguez, Demostenes Zegarra
Sep-2016Video quality metric for streaming service using DASH standardRodríguez, Demóstenes Zegarra; Rosa, Renata Lopes; Alfaia, Eduardo Costa
2017Enriching an authority file of scientific conferences with information extracted from the webJesus, Heider Alvarenga de; Pereira, Denilson Alves
2016Appropriation mechanisms of search results: a case study in a public university of Minas GeraisRennó, André Siqueira; Zambalde, André Luiz; Veroneze, Ricardo Braga; Sousa, Dalton de
2017An association rules based method for classifying product offers from e-shoppingOliveira, Claudiane Maria; Pereira, Denilson Alves
2017A framework to collect and extract publication lists of a given researcher from the webGarcia, Cristiano Mesquita; Pereira, Armando Honorio; Pereira, Denilson Alves
Aug-2017HCAIM: a discretizer for the hierarchical classification scenario applied to bioinformatics datasetsGuandaline, Valter Hugo; Merschmann, Luiz Henrique de Campos