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Title: O conceito de unidade mínima de análise como eixo articulador do método marxiano e da psicologia concreta
Other Titles: The concept of minimum unit of analysis as an articulating axis of the marxian method and concrete psychology
Keywords: Método marxiano
Unidade de análise
Psicologia concreta
Lev Vygotsky (1896-1934)
Marxian method
Analysis unit
Concrete psychology
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Universidade Federal do Paraná
Citation: BULHÕES, L. F. S. S.; SILVA, M. M. da. O conceito de unidade mínima de análise como eixo articulador do método marxiano e da psicologia concreta. Interação em Psicologia, Curitiba, v. 24, n. 3, p. 346-353, 2020. DOI:
Abstract: The present work chooses the study of the concept of a minimum unit of analysis in order to demonstrate the means by which the marxian methodological assumptions are realized in the investigation of human psyche by Vigotski, who sought to lay the foundations of a concrete psychology. The selection of this concept is justified by the fact that it synthesizes the dialectical movement of ascension from the abstract to the multi-determined concrete, which governs the revelation of the general laws that subject the categorical development of the phenomena and unveils the disguises of the phenomenal appearance. It was shown that, in the same way that Marx announces the commodity as the minimum unit of analysis of capitalist society, Vigotski adopts the sign as a fundamental category that contains the human psyche in its entirety, as a synthesis of singular and universal,, individual and social, biological and cultural, historical and social determinations of meanings and senses. We conclude that, in consonance with the foundations of historical-dialectic materialism, concrete psychology must seek in the minimum unit of analysis to overcome the logical-formal dichotomies and the specificity of the human psyche, which has in conscious action the pontential to build on the ashes of bourgeois inversions, the becoming of a classless society that has humanity as the center of the productive process.
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