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Título: Direitos humanos e justiça de transição: a Comissão Nacional da Verdade e o resgate das feridas sociais advindas da ditadura militar brasileira
Título(s) alternativo(s): Human rights and transitional justice: National Truth Commission and rescue of social wounds created by Brazil’s military dictatorship
Palavras-chave: Direitos humanos
Justiça de transição
Ditadura militar
Comissão Nacional da Verdade
Crimes contra a humanidade
Human rights
Transitional justice
Military dictatorship
National Truth Commission
Crimes against humanity
Data do documento: 2021
Editor: Instituto de Direito Romeu Felipe Bacellar
Citação: LIMA, P. R. C.; CARDOSO, J. V. Direitos humanos e justiça de transição: a Comissão Nacional da Verdade e o resgate das feridas sociais advindas da ditadura militar brasileira. A&C – Revista de Direito Administrativo e Constitucional, Belo Horizonte, v. 21, n. 83, p. 181-209, jan./mar. 2021. DOI: 10.21056/aec.v21i83.1327.
Resumo: The present work addresses the theme of the National Truth Commission (CNV), created by Law n. 12,528/2011, to discuss the process of rescuing human rights violations suffered by Brazilians and foreigners in the national territory during the period of military dictatorship in the country (1964- 1985). The starting point for the development of the research is the recognition that the CNV, throughout its work, was not able to hold an effective public debate with society, in order to enable the population to become aware of crimes against humanity, committed in the country during the years of political exception and questioned the inheritances left by the military regime. Thus, we seek to discuss, based on an exploratory research based on a bibliographic survey, how the events could have been rescued and discussed by the CNV in the light of the experiences of countries that have also experienced exceptional regimes, such as South Africa and Germany.
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