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Title: Distribuição geográfica e conservação de Polylepis spp. nos Andes peruanos: uma abordagem baseada em modelagem ecológica
Other Titles: Geographic distribution and conservation of Polylepis spp. in the peruvian andes: an approach based on ecological modeling
Authors: Van den Berg, Eduardo
Rezende, Vanessa Leite
Van den Berg, Eduardo
Rezende, Vanessa Leite
Vieira, Letícia Maria
Silva, Sérgio Henrique Godinho
Souza, Thadeu Sobral de
Keywords: Ecossistemas andinos
Florestas de Polylepis
Análise bibliométrica
Distribuição potencial
Andean ecosystems
Polylepis forests
Bibliometric analysis
Potential distribution
Issue Date: 24-Nov-2022
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: ABREU, V. de S. Distribuição geográfica e conservação de Polylepis spp. nos Andes peruanos: uma abordagem baseada em modelagem ecológica. 2022. 64 p. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia Florestal) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2022.
Abstract: The Andean tropical forests are predominantly formed by species of the genus Polylepis. These are the highest forest communities in the world, and they provide important ecosystem services to the region. Peru is part of the center of diversity for Polylepis and is home to the greatest richness of species of the genus, five of which are endemic. The level of endemism and the relevant role of Polylepis make these forests a priority for conservation in the world. Thus, we strcutured this Phd dissertation under two research approaches and divided into two scientific articles. In the first one, we carried out a bibliometric review on the current distribution of Polylepis, using scientific articles published on the subject. In the second, we analyze the potential distribution of five species of Polylepis endemic to the Peruvian Andes, determining to what extent the Protected Areas (PAs) are sufficient to the conservation of these species. For the bibliographic survey, we used different keywords in the Web of Science and Scopus research base and predicted the species distribution using 11 environmental variables and six different algorithms. We found a low number of publications on Polylepis forests. In these publications, the scientific community has discussed climatic and anthropic factors as determinants for the current distribution of these forests. Furthermore, we find the potential distribution pattern that emerges from the combination of climatic and topographical factors. This pattern reveals that the five species of Polylepis studied have a high probability of occurring in a large part of the Andes in Peru and outside Peru, but currently occupy only a small percentage of the territory of that country. The area and distribution of PAs, which are the main conservation measure of Andean ecosystems, are insufficient to meet the need for conservation of Polylepis species in the Peruvian Andes. We understand that the conservation of Polylepis forests is a challenge, due to their vulnerability and exposure to human pressure and environmental conditions. However, we hope that the information we bring in this study can be used as a tool for better management and conservation of these forests.
Appears in Collections:Engenharia Florestal - Doutorado (Teses)

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