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Title: Manejos para produção e armazenamento de sementes de tomate
Other Titles: Tomato seeds production and storage managements
Authors: Santos, Heloisa Oliveira dos
Andrade Junior, Valter Carvalho de
Carvalho, Everson Reis
Von Pinho, Édila Vilela de Resende
Veiga, André Delly
Veiga, Patrícia de Oliveira Alvim
Keywords: Tomate - Cultivo
Relação Semente-fruto
Sementes - Qualidade Fisiológica
Tempo de Colheita
Tratamento de Sementes
Tomato - Cultivation
Seeds - Physiological Quality
Seed Storage Environmen
Issue Date: 22-Mar-2023
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: CHIPENETE, Gisela Helnia Nunes. Manejos para produção e armazenamento de sementes de tomate. 2023. 80p. Tese (Doutorado em Agronomia/Fitotecnia)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Abstract: The vegetable seed production is quite specialized which requires a high level of technology and core competency. Affordable and efficient technologies that maximize the use of resources could equip the producers with the ability to produce quality seeds that are the basis for a good establishment and performance of crops in the fields. The quality of tomato seeds is a multi-faceted trait that involves processes at the plant and fruit level, which depend on interactions between genetic and environmental factors and management practices. The aims of this research were to evaluate how tomato seed quality can be influenced by crop management in the field and how can storage techniques influence seed maintenance. As to, were carried outtwo experiments on field and laboratory. On the field experiment, was evaluated the effect of row spacing between plants on field and the clusters position on the plant on the fruit production and quality seeds over production time. On laboratory experiment was evaluated the effect of type packaging, chemical treatment and the storage environment on seed quality over storage time. Thus, it is concluded from the research work thatmaximum values for seed quality was obtained from plants with majorrows spacing between plants (80 and 100 cm) and from fruits in the lower and intermediate positions on the plant (first 4 clusters on the plant). The fruits under these conditions were bigger and numerousin relation to smaller ones (20-60 cm) and fruits in the upper plant position (clusters 5 and 6). In the laboratory experiment, seeds stored in a cold chamber and in aluminum envelopes preserved the seed for up to 12 months with germination above 80%. Seed treatment provided control of Alternaria alternata and Penicillium and greater germination and vigor of seeds at the beginning of storage and maintenance of seeds in plastic containers in the environment for up to 12 months of storage. Untreated seeds, stored in plastic or paper containers, regardless of the treatment, preserved the seeds for up to 9 months of storage.
Appears in Collections:Agronomia/Fitotecnia - Doutorado (Teses)

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