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Resultado 3381-3390 de 3864.
Conjunto de itens:
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
Out-2019Temporal changes in fish diversity in lotic and lentic environments along a reservoir cascadeLoures, Raquel Coelho; Pompeu, Paulo Santos
5-Jun-2013A social and ecological assessment of tropical land uses at multiple scales: the Sustainable Amazon NetworkGardner, Toby A.; Ribas, Carla Rodrigues
Jun-2012Can ants be used as indicators of environmental impacts caused by arsenic?Ribas, Carla Rodrigues; Solar, Ricardo R. C.; Campos, Renata B. F.; Schmidt, Fernando A.; Valentim, Clarisse L.; Schoereder, José H.
Jun-2015A construção de painéis interpretativos como recurso pedagógico para a prática da educação ambientalAndrade, M. N. B. de; Seabra, L. A. F.; Nascimento Junior, A. F.
Ago-2021Overview of four Agaricus subrufescens strains used in the last 15 years in Brazil and other countries and current potential materials for the futureZied, Diego C.; Vieira Junior, Wagner G.; Soares, Douglas M. M.; Stevani, Cassius V.; Dias, Eustáquio S.; Iossi, Matheus R.; Pardo-Giménez, Arturo
29-Out-2022Configuration and composition of human-dominated tropical landscapes affect the prevalence and average intensity of mite and fly infestation in Phyllostomidae batsMello, Rodrigo M.; Laurindo, Rafael S.; Silva, Lilith C.; Pyles, Marcela V.; Bernardi, Leopoldo F. O.; Mancini, Matheus C. S.; Dáttilo, Wesley; Gregorin, Renato
2022High phosphorus supply enhances leaf gas exchange and growth of young Arabica coffee plants under water deficitRakocevic, Miroslava; Marchiori, Paulo Eduardo R.; Zambrosi, Fernando C. B.; Machado, Eduardo C.; Maia, Aline de Holanda N.; Ribeiro, Rafael V.
2021Into the minds of coffee consumers: perception, preference, and impact of information in the sensory analysis of specialty coffeeBressani, Ana Paula Pereira; Martinez, Silvia Juliana; Batista, Nádia Nara; Simão, João Batista Pavesi; Schwan, Rosane Freitas
2019Stable isotopes and stomach content analyses indicate omnivorous habits and opportunistic feeding behavior of an invasive fishCarvalho, Débora Reis de; Castro, Diego Marcel Parreira de; Callisto, Marcos; Chaves, Antônio Júlio de Moura; Moreira, Marcelo Zacharias; Pompeu, Paulo Santos
Mai-2021Tourism effects on the subterranean fauna in a Central American cavePacheco, Gabrielle Soares Muniz; Oliveira, Marcus Paulo Alves de; Cano, Enio; Silva, Marconi Souza; Ferreira, Rodrigo Lopes