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Title: Clima escolar e SAEB: contribuições a partir da análise das pesquisas acadêmicas sobre os questionários contextuais
Other Titles: School climate and SAEB: contributions from the analysis of academic research on contextual questionnaires
Authors: Arcas, Paulo Henrique
Oliveira, Adolfo Samuel de
Bravo, Maria Helena de Aguiar
Borges, Regilson Maciel
Keywords: Clima escolar
Questionários contextuais
Sistema de Avaliação da Educação Básica (Saeb)
Revisão bibliográfica
School atmosphere
Contextual questionnaires
Literature review
Issue Date: 11-Dec-2023
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: MELO, L. M. de. Clima escolar e SAEB: contribuições a partir da análise das pesquisas acadêmicas sobre os questionários contextuais. 2023. 75 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Abstract: School climate is a topic inherent to educational spaces and should be part of theoretical and practical discussions on the school floor. In addition, it is also a theme addressed in external evaluations, in particular the Basic Education Evaluation System (Saeb). With this in mind, the aim was to understand how the school climate is affected in academic research (theses and dissertations) on the Saeb contextual questionnaires. In addition, three main hypotheses were raised: 1 - there are few theses and dissertations on school climate in the Saeb contextual questionnaires; 2 - the questions on school climate in the Saeb contextual questionnaires make a significant contribution to understanding the subject, helping to identify problems and areas for improvement in schools; and 3 - the analysis needs to be deepened with additional research or other data sources in order to gain a complete understanding of school climate. Specifically, we tried to: qualitatively analyze and understand how the academic research found uses the questions in the Saeb contextual questionnaires relating to school climate; evaluate how the questions about school climate: violence, indiscipline and bullying are presented in the Saeb contextual questionnaires of the last decade; and reflect on the actions that can be proposed in schools, education networks and systems to help improve relations within schools and build values related to respect for others and coexistence in a diverse society. To this end, we sought to observe the nuances between the Saeb contextual questionnaires applied in the last decade: 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019. At the heart of the research was a bibliographic survey of theses and dissertations in the Catalog of Theses and Dissertations of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (Capes) and the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD). The theoretical framework was mainly supported by Alves (2016), Aquino (2011), Bonamino (2013), Candian and Rezende (2013), Cunha (2014), Moro (2018), Moro, Vinha and Morais (2019), Oliveira and Waldhelm (2016), Silva and Menin (2015), Soares et al. (2002), among others. Using the descriptor "contextual questionnaires", 15 studies were selected for analysis and four dimensions (or categories) of analysis were drawn up: 1- Relations with teaching and learning; 2- Relations with work and school management; 3- The educational system and school management; 4- The family and the school. Based on an analysis of the papers found, we found a small number of theses and dissertations that intertwine school climate with the Saeb contextual questionnaires. In addition, a positive approach to school climate was observed in the Saeb contextual questionnaires. However, a simplified and/or isolated reading of the questions and answers in the questionnaires is not enough to understand the whole issue. Finally, it is worth mentioning the educational product of this research, which is characterized as a continuing education course for school managers (principals, directors, supervisors) who work in primary and secondary schools.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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