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Título: Aposentadoria na trajetória de carreira de advogados
Título(s) alternativo(s): Retirement in the lawyer career path
Autores: Cappelle, Mônica Carvalho Alves
Cappelle, Mônica Carvalho Alves
Pereira, José Roberto
Pádua, Flaviana Andrade de
Marra, Adriana Ventola
Alcântra, Valderi de Castro
Palavras-chave: Carreira
Data do documento: 12-Dez-2023
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: TEIXEIRA, T. S. Aposentadoria na trajetória de carreira de advogados. 2023. 206 p. Tese (Doutorado em Administração) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Resumo: By carrying out this research, the objective was to understand how, during the retirement phase, perceptions about careers and their implications for the lawyer profession are experienced, investigating how the retirement of these professionals integrates their career trajectory. To this end, qualitative research was carried out, using the semi-structured interview technique with research subjects selected by snowball, limited to a group of 18 participants, all lawyers, retired and non-retired, from the south of Minas Gerais. These professionals were divided into two groups, the first being composed of six active lawyers, who are not yet retired, defined, for the purposes of this research, as specialists. The second group was made up of 12 retired lawyers. The first group participated as contextualizers of the area of Law and advocacy, presenting their subjective perceptions about careers, retirement and the profession of lawyers, having been the key elements in nominating retired lawyers. The second group, made up of retired lawyers, was interviewed with the aim of contextualizing retirement as part of their own career and obtaining support to capture the subjectivity of each one's conception of career, retirement and the profession of lawyer. A semi-structured interview script was used to dialogue with professionals from both groups and, subsequently, the content analysis technique was used as a methodological strategy for data analysis. Four categories of analysis were assigned to structure the discussion. Through the reports, we obtained a contextualization of the retirement scenario in Brazil and, also, of retirement for lawyers who do not have a specific retirement plan, neither by the entity that represents them, the OAB, nor by Social Security, characterizing as self-employed professionals for the purposes of contributing and granting benefits. It was found that the category understands that there should be greater interest, on the part of the OAB, in participating and proposing solutions to strengthen lawyers' retirement. The contextualization of the life trajectory of the participants in the second group, composed of retired lawyers, included the collection of reports on their perceptions of career, retirement and the profession, as well as aspects that have been significant in their personal and professional trajectories. It was possible to see from the reports that rarely does a lawyer, on retiring, choose to give up their job immediately, either because the legal cases they are involved in require time and follow-up, or because they are hesitant to give up the space they have achieved, almost always after years, in the job market. With regard to the subjective perspectives of retirement and career for each individual, the reflections made it possible to confirm that retirement is part of a career, since a career is not interrupted by leaving professional activities, nor is it only related to them. The career comprises various phases throughout life, which form the subject's life trajectory. This concept was expressed by some of the interviewees, but when it came to retirement, there were still those who didn't consider it to be a phase in this trajectory, such as the association between retirement and the crowning of the career, representing the end of the career.
Aparece nas coleções:Administração - Doutorado (Teses)

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