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Title: Importância da formação docente para a educação em tempo integral
Other Titles: The importance of teacher training for full-time education
Authors: Ferreira, Helena Maria
Lima, Andreina Del Carmen Camero de
Santiago, Juliana de Andrade
Keywords: Educação em tempo integral
Competências socioemocionais
Sequência didática
Formação de professores
Full-time education
Socio-emotional skills
Didactic sequence
Teacher training
Issue Date: 22-Apr-2024
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: SILVA, J. de C. O. Importância da formação docente para a educação em tempo integral. 2024. 120 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação)–Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Abstract: This research report addresses an investigation into the implementation of the Full-Time School Program by the State Department of Education - SEE-MG, focusing on the analysis of the Life Project curricular component and consequently on the study of socio-emotional competencies. To this end, this research involved positions of teachers from the state network of Minas Gerais and students from a state school in Lavras - MG, who experienced the experience provided by the Program. The research was conducted using a methodology that combined bibliographic research and field research. The bibliographic part contextualized the legal and theoretical issues that underlie the Full-Time School proposal, including legislation related to full-time implementation, educational experiences in this modality, partnerships, and training proposals. Field research was carried out through data collection using mixed questionnaires. The first article, entitled "FULL-TIME EDUCATION: AN ANALYSIS OF PERCEPTIONS OF TEACHERS IN THE PUBLIC NETWORK OF MINAS GERAIS," aimed to investigate the positions of teachers from the state network of Minas Gerais regarding the implementation of the SEE-MG Full-Time School Program. The second article, entitled "LIFE PROJECT IN FULL-TIME EDUCATION: AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS' PERCEPTION," aimed to investigate students' perception of the curricular component "Life Project" in Full-Time Education in the city of Lavras-MG. The third article, titled "EXPLORING SOCIO-EMOTIONAL COMPETENCIES: AN INTERDISCIPLINARY DIDACTIC PROPOSAL," consists of a didactic sequence aimed at presenting research developed as part of the Educational Product proposed by the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) with the aim of proposing an interdisciplinary didactic sequence between Portuguese Language and Life Project, in order to promote the development of socio-emotional competencies in high school students. The results of this research report revealed relevant concerns of teachers regarding the program's implementation, highlighting physical and mental fatigue among students due to extended hours and excess activities, as well as the lack of qualified professionals. Teachers also emphasized the importance of investments in the physical and material conditions of schools, as well as the need for training focused on more dynamic and interesting methodologies. Regarding students, the research showed a positive perception of the curricular component "Life Project," emphasizing its importance in self-awareness, goal setting, decision making, and social skills development. Additionally, with the developed Portuguese didactic sequence, the aim is to enhance student learning and development, preparing them comprehensively to face the affective, cognitive, and social challenges and demands that arise in their educational journey. Based on this information, it was concluded that it is necessary to implement more effective public policies to improve teachers' working conditions, provide an enriching educational experience for students, and strengthen teacher training. Furthermore, the importance of adopting innovative pedagogical practices to promote the development of students' socio-emotional competencies is highlighted.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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