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Título: Um teste de subjetividade: lirismo, aventura e intimidade na poesia de Marília Garcia
Título(s) alternativo(s): A test of subjectivity: lyricism, adventure and intimacy in the poetry of Marília Garcia
Autores: Portolomeos, Andréa
Fonseca, Márcia Amorim
Silva, Gabriela
Palavras-chave: Poesia contemporânea brasileira;
Escritas de si
Garcia, Marília
Contemporary brazilian poetry
Writings of the self
Marília Garcia
Data do documento: 10-Jul-2024
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: LARES, Leandro Marinho. Um teste de subjetividade: lirismo, aventura e intimidade na poesia de Marília Garcia. 2024. 168p. Dissertação (Mestradoem Letras) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2023.
Resumo: Marília Garcia's poetic production is characterized by the presence of hybridization processes. In this poet's verses, there is a notable confluence of elements that have historically been located at opposite poles, such as: lyric and narrative, biography and artifice, poetry and fiction. Knowing this, this dissertation aims to study the tests of subjectivity that Marília Garcia promotes by experimenting with different dimensions of self-writing, since in her production we can find: travel accounts, diaries in verse, poetic research based on the infra-ordinary (the term derives from Georges Perec) of her own life. With this in mind, this work also sets out to investigate the expansions of the concept of lyricism promoted by the author, observing the dialogues she maintains with the lyrical tradition, especially with Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Ana Cristina Cesar. Considering the diachronic dimension of literary studies, this dissertation also proposes a revision of the use of the term "lyrical subject" - which arose in the romantic period and underwent a profound process of depersonalization in modernity - for the study of a poetry in which life and art contaminate each other and merge in an inseparable way. In this sphere, there are dialogues between lyric and autofiction, a category of reflection historically associated with prose, but which, according to Evando Nascimento (2017), can be expanded to poetry research. On the theoretical horizon, the dissertation dialogues with researchers from different areas of knowledge to analyze the complexity of the self that is enunciated in Marília Garcia's poetry. Thus, the theoretical framework includes authors such as: Giorgio Agamben (2018) and Jacques Derrida (1995), from philosophy, Silvina Rodrigues Lopes (2012), Dominique Combe (2010) and Michel Collot (2004), from poetry studies, Diana Klinger (2006) and Manuel Alberca (2008), from biographical criticism specializing in autofiction. To sum up, the discussions in this dissertation indicate that Marília Garcia's poetics uses self-writing to deconstruct and expand a series of categories and concepts traditionally associated with lyric poetry.
Aparece nas coleções:Letras - Mestrado (Dissertações)

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