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Título: (Trans) formação de professores e inovações pedagógicas frente às tecnologias digitais
Título(s) alternativo(s): Teacher training and pedagogical innovations in front of digital technologies: an analysis through the bakhtin circle
Autores: Villarta-Neder, Marco Antonio
Ferreira, Helena Maria
Francelino, Pedro Farias
Oliveira, Dedilene Alves de Jesus
Palavras-chave: Tecnologias digitais
Formação de professores
Digital technologies
Teacher training
Data do documento: 17-Jun-2024
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: TIERNO, Mariangela Gifoni. (Trans) formação de professores e inovações pedagógicas frente às tecnologias digitais: uma análise pelo viés do círculo de Bakhtin. 2024. 189p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2024.
Resumo: With the in-person context of post-pandemic education, new adaptations were necessary in relation to digital platforms and technologies. Therefore, inevitably, the debate regarding teacher training gains notoriety. This work has the following guiding question: How do teachers in the basic education network of São José dos Campos value the continuing education project for/in the post-pandemic, especially in relation to information technologies at school? Thus, the main objective is to analyze the intonation and constitution of the statements of teachers in the public Basic Education network in relation to continued training for/in the post-pandemic period referring to the perspective of technologies at school; in order to understand, through the choices made, the project of meaning of the producers of these statements. This research adopts a qualitative approach by considering the process of how challenges, dilemmas and realities appear in relation to the continued training of teachers in the basic network of the state of São Paulo, in the municipality of São José dos Campos - SP, in relation to digital media, mainly analyzing the period before, during and after the pandemic. Two groups constituted the research subjects: basic education teachers from the state network and school managers. The research was carried out through a focus group with teachers and interviews with managers on the issue of technologies in education, which constitutes the corpus of the work. To analyze the statements, theoretical assumptions were used that are close to the dialogical perspective as they penetrate the world of contradictions that exist in the relationship between the object and the society in which it is inserted, based on Bakhtin (2011), Volóshinov (2019), Medviédev (2010). The analysis was carried out based on the concepts of enunciation and intonation. And for this it was necessary to establish the comparison/correlation between the elements of this interaction. Furthermore, the research discusses the new spaces for teachers in the face of digital technologies. From the analyzed corpus, it was possible to see that the uterrances respond to previous moments, in which teaching had to adapt to the pandemic situation and take place remotely; It can also be said that the utterances respond to official documents. Regarding intonation, the tones of protest, indignation, disappointment, revolt, among others, reveal the emotions of these teachers in the face of the situation experienced before, during and after the pandemic; showing that teacher training for the use of technologies in Brazil is still considered insufficient for several reasons.
Aparece nas coleções:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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