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Title: Planejamento estratégico situacional aplicado à segurança pública em Lavras (MG)
Other Titles: Situational strategic planning applied in public security at Lavras city (MG)
Keywords: Administração Estratégica
Planejamento estratégico situacional
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: BIRCHAL, F. F. S.; ZAMBALDE, A. L.; BERMEJO, P. H. de S. Planejamento estratégico situacional aplicado à segurança pública em Lavras (MG). Revista de Administração Pública, Rio de Janeiro, v. 46, n. 2, mar./abr. 2012.
Abstract: This study aspires to propose and discuss practices of strategic planning for public security, in the city of Lavras (MG), according to the Situational Strategic Planning (SSP) method. It is presented a theoretical review of SSP method and public security, which allowed the definition of research variables. Regarding the case study, this was done at Lavras (MG) city, and sought to identify the problems, the critical nodes and strategies for public security improvement in the city. Furthermore, it was analyzed the views of different social actors on crime, its causes and proposed solutions, ending with the proposition of strategic actions related to public security in Lavras (MG). This research found that the participation of social actors in the process of strategy formulation is shown as an effective path to be followed in, with respect to strategy formulation on the participative context. Therefore, it was concluded that the SSP method could contribute to the proposition and discussion of strategic planning practices of public security for the city of Lavras (MG), and that the participation of the society in this process is essential, empowering solutions that comes close and available to the population.
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