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Title: Efeito da concentração de gordura nas propriedades físicas, químicas e sensoriais do queijo petit suisse elaborado com retenção de soro
Other Titles: Effect of concentration of fat in the physical, chemical and sensory petit suisse cheese produced with retention of serum
Keywords: Influence
Petit Suisse cheese
Queijo petit suisse
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais
Citation: SOUZA, V. R. et al. Efeito da concentração de gordura nas propriedades físicas, químicas e sensoriais do queijo petit suisse elaborado com retenção de soro. Revista do Instituto de Latícinios Cândido Tostes, Juiz de Fora, v. 67, n. 386, p. 20, maio / jun. 2012.
Abstract: Faced with the need to increase the yield of the petit suisse and the need to reduce the fat content of the product, the objective was to evaluate the effect of the concentration of fat in the physical, chemical and sensory characteristics in petit suisse strawberry-flavored cheese prepared with retention of whey. Five formulations were prepared petit suisse cheese with different concentra tions of fa t. T he da ta a na lyzed were: composition, textu re cha racteristics, viscosity, wa ter a ctivity a nd sensory attribu tes in relation to appearance, taste, texture a nd overa ll impression T he fa t concentra tion was directly related to the decrease of water activity and increased caloric value of elasticity, chewiness, gumminess, hardness and viscosity.. Evaluating the acceptance based on attributes of appearance, taste, texture and overall impression, the ideal fat content of Petit suisse cheese was 4.73%, at that percentage, the level of calories was 166 kcal/100g. Comparing with different brands is possible to reduce fat petit suisse cheese prepared with retention of whey (100% yield).
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