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Title: Inovação aberta no setor público: soluções inovadoras para a redução do consumo de água nas instituições federais de ensino do Brasil
Authors: Bermejo, Paulo Henrique de Souza
Pereira, José Roberto
Rezende, João Batista
Brito, Mozar José de
Brito, Valéria da Glória Pereira
Keywords: Administração pública
Public administration
Inovação aberta
Open innovation
Participação social
Social participation
Issue Date: 5-Aug-2015
Citation: CAVALCANTE, C. C. M. Inovação aberta no setor público: soluções inovadoras para a redução do consumo de água nas instituições federais de ensino do Brasil. 2015. 136 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Administração Pública) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2015.
Abstract: A large proportion of less developed countries face uncertain and irregular rain periods. Future prediction indicate that climatic changes will make water supplies ever less predictable and trustworthy. Given this issue, the present work aimed at identifying innovative ideas that allow Brazilian Federal Education Institutions (FEIs) to reduce expenses with water intake by means of social participation. For such, the Ministry of Education (MEC) launched the Sustainability Challenge Project that, based on the concepts of crowdstorm and social participation, conducted a public consultation with the targeted public of the 104 Brazilian FEIs. This public consultation, regarding the theme of reducing water expenses in the FEIs, was made available for 89 days between the months of November of 2014 and February of 2015, and involved 8.6 thousand ideas that, together, received 990,454 evaluations (likes) and 772,205 comments. These ideas were evaluated and selected by a technical commission specialist on this theme. After the evaluation and prioritization, a collection of 108 ideas was elaborated, allowing the FEIs involved to develop innumerous innovations to reduce their expenses with water intake. The collection was presented at the International Congress of Education Management in the Public Sector (ICEMPS) and regulated by the Decree MEC no 370, of April 16th of 2015. The result of this project shows that open innovation by means of social participation performs an important role to enhance the prospection of innovation in the Public Sector.
Appears in Collections:Administração Pública - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertação/TCC)

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