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Mostrando resultados 1 a 16 de 16
Data do documentoTítuloAutor(es)
15-Jun-2016An alternative method for the simultaneous determination of copper and lead for quality control of sugar cane spirit using a nanotube-based sensorTavares, Elisângela de F. L.; Okumura, Leonardo L.; Cardoso, Maria das Graças; Oliveira, Marcelo F. de; Magriotis, Zuy Maria; Saczk, Adelir A.
5-Nov-2015Applications in environmental bioinorganic: nutritional and ultrastructural evaluation and calculus of thermodynamic and structural properties of metal-oxalate complexes.Tolentino, Terezinha Alves; Bertoli, Alexandre Carvalho; Pires, Maírados Santos; Carvalho, Ruy; Labory, Claudia Regina Gontijo; Nunes, Janaira Santana; Freitas, Matheus Puggina de
3-Set-2014Avaliação de risco por arsênio, chumbo e cádmio na região aurífera Delita, CubaMassahud, Regla Toujague de la Rosa
2013Comportamento fisiológico, anatômico e citométrico de Panicum aquaticum Poir. expostos a diferentes metais pesadosPires, Marinês Ferreira
24-Mar-2022Effect of soil contamination with lead (Pb) on the multitrophic web of kale-associated insectsSilva, Tiago Morales
22-Fev-2013Effects of cadmium and lead on plant growth and content of heavy metals in arugula cultivated in nutritive solutionCannata, Marcele G.; Carvalho, Ruy; Bertoli, Alexandre C.; Augusto, Amanda S.; Bastos, Ana Rosa R.; Carvalho, Janice G.; Freitas, Matheus P.
22-Fev-2013Effects of lead on the content, accumulation, and translocation of nutrients in bean plant cultivated in nutritive solutionCannata, Marcele G.; Carvalho, Ruy; Bertoli, Alexandre C.; Bastos, Ana Rosa R.; Carvalho, Janice G.; Freitas, Matheus P.; Augusto, Amanda S.
Ago-2021Hydrothermally-altered feldspar as an environmentally-friendly technology to promote heavy metals immobilization: batch studies and application in smelting-affected soilsRibeiro, Paula Godinho; Souza, Jean Michel Pereira; Rodrigues, Marcos; Ribeiro, Ivan Célio Andrade; Carvalho, Teotonio Soares de; Lopes, Guilherme; Li, Yuncong C.; Guilherme, Luiz Roberto Guimarães
2023Impact of lead (Pb2+) on the growth and biological activity of serratia marcescens selected for wastewater treatment and identification of its zntR gene-a metal efflux regulatorFerreira, Gustavo Magno dos Reis; Pires, Josiane Ferreira; Ribeiro, Luciana Silva; Carlier, Jorge Dias; Costa, Maria Clara; Schwan, Rosane Freitas; Silva, Cristina Ferreira
2020A importância da avaliação da concentração natural de Pb em solos do Estado de Minas GeraisAlexandrino, Rômulo César Soares; Marques, João José Granate de Sá e Melo; Silva, Sérgio Henrique Godinho; Simão, Fúlvio Rodriguez
2021Lead acetate ecotoxicity in tropical soilsAlexandrino, R. C. S.; Lima, F. R. D.; Martins, G. C.; Natal-da-Luz, T.; Sousa, J. P.; Guilherme, L. R. G.; Marques, J. J.
Set-2010Lead poisoning mortality in wild passeriformes and its detection in free-range chicken eggs in southern Minas Gerais, BrazilMartins, N. R. S.; Marques, M. V. R.; Vilela, D. A. R.; Resende, J. S.; Carvalhaes, A. G.; Andrade, E. A. G.; Barrios, P. R.
Out-2021A novel phytoremediation index for aquatic systems contaminated by toxic elementsPereira, Fabricio José; Castro, Evaristo Mauro de
18-Mai-2015Seleção de leveduras com potencial uso em processos de biorremediação e avaliação fisiológica do impacto de elementos traço nas célulasMesquita, Vanessa Alvarenga
4-Fev-2015Stress induced by heavy metals cd and pb in bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) grown in nutrient solutionCannata, Marcele G.; Bertoli, Alexandre C.; Carvalho, Ruy; Augusto, Amanda S.; Bastos, Ana Rosa R.; Freitas, Matheus P.; Carvalho, Janice G.
Out-2013Toxic metals in Raphanus sativus: assessing the levels of cadmium and lead in plants and damage to productionCannata, Marcele; Bertoli, Alexandre; Carvalho, Ruy; Bastos, Ana Rosa; Freitas, Matheus; Augusto, Amanda; Varennes, Amarílis de