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Title: Dinâmica das relações detrabalho em uma empresa agroflorestal
Authors: Oliveira, Luís Carlos Ferreira de Sousa
Brito, Mozar José de
Lima, Juvêncio Braga de
Keywords: Empresas agrícolas
Corporation farms
Administração de recursos humanos
Administração de empresas
Industrial management
Cultura organizacional
Organizational culture
Administração rural
Farm management
Issue Date: 8-Sep-2015
Citation: ZORDAN, M. S. Dinâmica das relações de trabalho em uma empresa agroflorestal. 1998. 151 p. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração Rural) - Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 1998.
Abstract: In the last decades of 20th century, society has faced challenges ofsocial, pohtical and economical nature that reflect on people's Uves and organizations as well as. In this setting, uncertainities and perplexity factores live together as future developments and, simultaniously, of changes. Among numberless challengers, emphasizes the guiding of discussions concemed the questions of labour relations. These has been revealed a controversy subject also as a chellenger, that requiring administrative principies and model in agreement to the peculiarities of each studied reality. In attention to this content, the present study was carried out with purpose to trace a configuration ofthe labour relations that if come true in the activity produtive of charcoal, having in mind that these relations express the caracteristic social, economical and political of the comprised society. The investigated situation tells about the relevant socialeconomic these activity and the amplitude ofmarket region the human resources, althought the stablished prodution social relations are complex and mixedup. The reference methodological - theoritical available to adopt a proposalthad allouwed to understand the labour relations in their several difining instances: the macropolitics,the organizational oflabor process, the polrtics ofhuman resources administration and the organizational culture. Emphasizing to each of these instances, categories of interest and possible of research, combining difíèrent strategies ofcollectofdata. The categories are studiedempiricaUy, through a case study of a agroforest company, integrated to the siderurgical - metallurgical complex, stablished in Bocaiúva, northeast ofMinas Gerais. In analysis ofeach categories, stablished a explanation ofdata, rrom rts to theoritical reference, by articulation in the content reality studied. This is study reveal that of ambient changes lives a long time in company, emerge potential situation that purpose refbrmulation of administrative model in vigour, consequently, redefining in labour relations standards. Finahty, a wait that analrtic model proposal ofofher research and or preparing projects the intervention or consultorie in the field of labour relations in agroforests companies.
Appears in Collections:Administração - Mestrado (Dissertação)

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