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Title: Estrato de regeneração natural de uma floresta restaurada com 40 anos
Other Titles: Natural regeneration layer of a restored forest with 40 years old
Issue Date: 15-May-2017
Citation: MIRANDA NETO, A. et al. Estrato de regeneração natural de uma floresta restaurada com 40 anos. Pesquisa Florestal Brasileira, Colombo, v. 32, n. 72, 2012.
Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the natural regeneration, to characterize the syndromes of seed dispersal and successional classes of a restored forest through planting, with 40 years old, in Viçosa, MG, Brazil. It was registered 33 families, 102 species plus one morphotype (vines) and 1,938 individuals, with high diversity (H '= 3.56) and low ecological dominance (J' = 0.77), higher percentage of early secondary successional category, at the species level (33.3%), and late secondary, level of individuals (37%) and predominance of the zoochorous dispersion. The layer of forest regeneration restored reached similar parameters to those found in natural semideciduous forests in intermediate to advanced stages of succession, and was higher in the regeneration areas restored with planting
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