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metadata.ojs.dc.title: On the hyperbox - hyperplane intersection problem
metadata.ojs.dc.creator: Lara, Carlos
Flores, Juan J.
Calderon, Felix
metadata.ojs.dc.subject: Hyperbox
Graph searching
metadata.ojs.dc.publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) 1-Dec-2009
metadata.ojs.dc.identifier.citation: LARA, C.; FLORES, J. J.; CALDERON, F. On the hyperbox: hyperplane intersection problem. INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, Lavras, v. 8, n. 4, p. 21-27, Dec. 2009.
metadata.ojs.dc.description.abstract: Finding the intersection between a hyperbox and a hyperplane can be computationally expensive specially for high dimensional problems. Naive algorithms have an exponential complexity. A border node is a node (in the graph induced by the hyperbox) at or next to the intersection of the hyperbox and the hyperplane. The algorithm proposed in this paper implements a systematic way to efficiently generate border nodes; given a border node, a subset of its incident edges is explored to determine one or more intersections. This systematic exploration allows us to focus on the border region, discarding the two regions before and after the plane. Pruning those regions produces a computational cost linear on the number of vertices of the hyperpolygon that represents the intersection.
metadata.ojs.dc.language: eng
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