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Título: Navegando pelo imaginário das águas: gênero e sexualidade nas lendas brasileiras
Título(s) alternativo(s): Navigating the imaginary of the Waters: gender and sexuality and Brazilian legends
Autores: Ribeiro, Cláudia Maria
Assis, Roberta Guimarães Franco Faria de
Loureiro, João de Jesus Paes
Palavras-chave: Lendas – Brasil
Identidade de gênero na literatura – Lendas
Sexo na cultura popular – Lendas
Legends – Brazil
Gender identity in literature – Legends
Sex in popular culture – Legends
Data do documento: 4-Out-2017
Editor: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citação: SANTOS, S. A. dos. Navegando pelo imaginário das águas: gênero e sexualidade nas lendas brasileiras. 2017. 97 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação)-Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2017.
Resumo: Our country has a great cultural wealth that is represented in diverse cultural texts, be them in videos, films, images, dances, songs, myths, legends, among others. Texts give life and value to our cultural history, and it is closely imbricated with the social contexts to which they belong. We are multiple subjects/he/she and we are constantly (re)constructing meanings around us by transforming things over the years, building traditions. Traditions that tell us a lot about our subjectivities, about becoming procedurally who we are, about our beliefs, about our rituals, and that many of them are portrayed in myths and legends. Legends and myths are part of the Brazilian nation historicity. Invented for years in the attempt to say what until then would be unspeakable, to explain supernatural factors. They portray everyday situations, but flooded by a mixture between fictitious, real, imaginary, drama, romance and grace. Brazil has a range of legends that tell a lot about our history. Legends that announce the complexity of issues engendered in the social, many regarded as taboos and which appear in these narratives as a way of saying, speaking, explaining what could not or should not be said. And it is in an attempt to interpret, comprehend and understand the words that surround the legends that the proposal in this work dive into the legends’ problematization, specifically those of the Boto and Icamibas, transiting through the relations of gender, sexuality and the imaginary of the waters. The research will be theoretically supported by authors he/she such as Gaston Bachelard (2002); Gilbert Durand (1997); Cláudia Ribeiro (2001); Guacira Louro (1997; 2009); Mário de Andrade (1987); Paes Loureiro (2000; 2008), Regina Melo (2012), among others. These studies will subsidize the problematizations. Therefore, in this work we explore our cultural, historical and social imaginary from a cultural apparatus - the legends. We intend to immerse ourselves in a cultural system without the purpose of unveil it, but rather exposing the possibilities of surfing in addition to ready and defined answers. We will navigate by the Brazilian legends interweaving to the concepts of gender and sexuality.
Aparece nas coleções:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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