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Title: Formação de professoras e de professores e desenvolvimento profissional na docência: reflexões com supervisoras e supervisores de área - PIBID Biologia
Other Titles: Teacher training and professional development in teaching: reflections with area supervisors - PIBID Biology
Authors: Alves, Jacqueline Magalhães
Teixeira, Inês Assunção
Nascimento Junior, Antônio Fernandes
Keywords: Professores – Formação
Educação – Políticas públicas
Supervisão escolar
Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação a Docência (PIBID)
Teachers – In-service training
Education – Public policy
School supervision
Institutional Scholarship Program for Early Childhood Education
Issue Date: 27-Oct-2017
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Lavras
Citation: HEITOR, B. C. Formação de professoras e de professores e desenvolvimento profissional na docência: reflexões com supervisoras e supervisores de área - PIBID Biologia. 2017. 106 p. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação)-Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras, 2017.
Abstract: The Institutional Scholarship Program for Early Childhood Education (PIBID) is currently the subject of many studies regarding teacher training. Different actors participate in this program: teachers in formation, teachers of Public Basic Education and professors of Bachelor's degrees in Higher Education. Thus, this work has as main objective to get to know and reflect, from the point of view of the Professor / Supervisor of PIBID of Biology of the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), how these individuals understand their role and role within the program. In addition, the specific objectives are to get acquainted with the reflections of supervisors regarding the program in the context of initial, continuing and Basic Education; Understand how these supervisors conceive their own daily practice and their relationships with participation in the program; Reflect how they perceive the relationships between the activities of the PIBID and the social and educational context in which they are inserted; As well as analyze how they express their ideas about their contributions in the initial training of the program's graduates. Therefore, to conduct our reflections, in this research we opted for the qualitative approach, in order to value the individuals' speech from their context and to consider their experience. The method of data collection used was the Interview with a semi-structured script in which the supervisors of the Program were able, based on guiding questions and their own elaborations, to report their experiences and express their conceptions about the role they play within from the program. The interviews were recorded in audio and later transcribed and analyzed from the Content Analysis method and the Thematic Categories. From the discussion of the results found, we could see that these teachers understand that the training of teachers takes place through the exchange of experiences, putting themselves in the role of apprentice and making these, times of formation and professional development. Thus, from the reflections during the research process, we can consider that, for these supervisors, the PIBID of Biology is a space in which changes in conception regarding education, teaching posture in the daily life, of methodology and contextualized actions, which goes towards the perspective of Professional Teacher Development. In addition, we consider that PIBID is a space where supervisors act as co-trainers from the exchange of experiences and where they play the role of approach between University and Basic Education. We also consider from this research that the School is a privileged place for the professional development of teachers, both for initial and continuing training, and that the more frequent presence of the group members in this environment is indicated as a promoter of significant processes for the formation of professionals, the planning, the interaction and insertion of students in the school and in the community, among others, as the results found in this research indicate.
Appears in Collections:Educação - Mestrado Profissional (Dissertações)

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