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Title: Custos operacionais do plantio mecanizado e semi-mecanizado de cana-de-açúcar
Other Titles: Operational costs of mechanized and semi-mechanized sugarcane planting
Keywords: Cana-de-açúcar
Rendimento operacional
Operational efficiency
Publisher: Associação dos Engenheiros Agrícolas de Minas Gerais
Citation: ZACHARIAS, R.; SANTOS, F. L.; JESUS, V. A. M. de. Custos operacionais do plantio mecanizado e semi-mecanizado de cana-de-açúcar. Engenharia na Agricultura, Viçosa, MG, v. 19, n. 2, p. 118-124, mar./abr. 2011.
Abstract: Since sugarcane production is gaining importance in Brazilian agribusiness, therefore this study was done to compare the operational costs of mechanized and semi-mechanized planting systems. The planting operations were surveyed, considering all aspects regarding furrowing, distribution, division, cover, re-pass, post-plant herbicide application and planting. The operational efficiency and the fixed and variable costs of each system were also determined. The data revealed that the cost of mechanized planting was R$ 841.84 h-1 lower than that of the semi-mechanized planting. The operational efficiency of the mechanized planting was 0.66 ha h-1 compared to 1.31 ha h-1 of the semi-mechanized planting. Considering costs and operational efficiencies, adding a second mechanized set to the mechanized system could increase operational efficiency to 1.32 ha h-1, with an economy of R$ 297.56 h-1, relative to the semi-mechanized system.
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