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Título: Sesbania virgata stimulates the occurrence of its microsymbiont in soils but does not inhibit microsymbionts of other species
Título(s) alternativo(s): Sesbania virgata estimula a ocorrência de seu microssimbionte nos solos, mas não inibe os microssimbiontes de outras espécies
Palavras-chave: Sesbania - Simbiose
Espécies fixadoras de nitrogênio
Sesbania - Symbiosis
Nitrogen-fixing species
Data do documento: Set-2009
Editor: Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz"
Citação: FLORENTINO, L. A. et al. Sesbania virgata stimulates the occurrence of its microsymbiont in soils but does not inhibit microsymbionts of other species. Scientia Agricola, Piracicaba, v. 66, n. 5, p. 667-676, Sept./Oct. 2009.
Resumo: The legume species Sesbania virgata establishes a specific and efficient symbiosis with Azorhizobium doebereinerae. Previous studies have shown that A. doebereinerae occurrence correlates to the presence of S. virgata. This work aimed to evaluate the occurrence of A. doebereinerae and of other nitrogen-fixing Leguminosae-nodulating bacteria (NFLNB) in soil samples collected adjacent to and 10 m away from the stems of five S. virgata plants in pasture areas. Symbiotic characteristics of isolates from these NFLNB populations were also studied. S. virgata and the four promiscuous legume species Leucaena leucocephala, Macroptilium atropurpureum, Phaseolus vulgaris and Vigna unguiculata were inoculated with soil samples to trap A. doebereinerae and other NFLNB. NFLNB capable of inducing nodulation in at least one of these legumes were found in all samples. M. atropurpureum was the most promiscuous species, as it trapped the highest number of NFLNB cultural types from soil suspensions. The other species were less promiscuous in the following order: V. unguiculata, P. vulgaris, and L. leucocephala. Isolates of the promiscuous legumes were classified into seven cultural groups. One of these groups, isolated from all promiscuous species, showed fast-growth alkali-reaction in culture medium (like Azorhizobium); it was identified as Cupriavidus. This is the first report of symbiosis of Cupriavidus with Papilionoideae species. The symbiotic efficiency of promiscuous hosts with NFLNB varied, but it was always less than that of controls with mineral nitrogen or an inoculant strain. S. virgata was efficiently nodulated only by A. doebereinerae, which occurred mainly in samples collected close to the plant stem, corroborating a high stimulus by its host species. A high diversity of NFLNB occurs as saprophytes close to the S. virgata root system.
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