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Title: Relações sociométricas dos pesquisadores que patentearam inventos
Other Titles: Sociometric relations of researchers to patent inventions
Keywords: Análise de redes sociais
Social networks analysis
Issue Date: 18-Aug-2014
Publisher: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
Citation: OLIVEIRA, N.; ZAMBALDE, A. L. Relações sociométricas dos pesquisadores que patentearam inventos. Encontros Bibli: revista eletrônica de biblioteconomia e ciência da informação, Florianópolis, v. 19, n. 39, p. 227-242, jan./abr. 2014.
Abstract: Sought to identify the structure of sociometric relations of researchers from the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA) who registered patents, understand the structural connections and the nodes within this network. Document analysis was conducted to examine the network of inventors and patents filed between 2003 and 2012 by researchers at the UFLA in the National Institute of Intellectual Property (INPI) through the Center for Technology Innovation (Nintec) UFLA. There is a brief literature review on sociometry, explanatory theories and important concepts to understanding social networking. The qualitative approach was adopted as the research method. For the analyzes were used as a basis the full map of the network, including patents and inventors of UFLA with their relationships studied through the analysis of social networks.
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