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Título: Participação cidadã e orçamento público: um estudo sobre o município de limoeiro - PE
Palavras-chave: Democracia
Participação popular
Gestão pública orçamentária
Popular participation
Public management budget transparency
Data do documento: 2013
Citação: OLIVEIRA, G. T. de; VALADÃO, J. de A. D. Participação cidadã e orçamento público: um estudo sobre o município de limoeiro - PE. In: CONGRESSO ONLINE DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO, 10., 2013, [S.l.]. Anais... [S.l.]: [s.n.]. Não paginado.
Resumo: Citizen participation in public spending control is a fairly frequent subject today, especially after the 1988 Constitution. The study in this article is to extend this theme linking it to the concept of the city and its autonomy with the advent of democracy and popular participation in public budget. In which popular participation in the mechanisms of social control is now considered with transparency and change in society from the 1988 Constitution. More specifically, the paper discusses about the Participatory Budget of the Limoeiro. For this, a study was conducted to identify the peculiarities of this city as well as new proposals democratic social control brought by the Constitution and other laws, identifying the relationship of the population with the City regarding the disclosure of government decisions and Budget Management. For this we used qualitative methods through a field research with interviews and documentary analysis. It was also brought to the design of participatory budgeting and understanding of society in the city of Limon on this design. In conclusion, it is noted that the Municipality of Limoeiro/PE still has characteristics tied to absolutist forms of government and in this situation marked by the Colonels.
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