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Title: Use of castor hull and sugarcane bagasse in particulate composites
Keywords: Agricultural residues
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Trans Tech Publications
Citation: SILVA, D. W. Use of castor hull and sugarcane bagasse in particulate composites. Key Engineering Materials, [S.l.], v. 668, p. 381-389, 2016.
Abstract: Particulate composites can be manufactured using low-quality raw materials, thus presents the option of using various non-wood materials, including agricultural waste. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of using castor hull and sugarcane bagasse on the physico-mechanical properties of particulate composites. Particleboards were produced using raw materials such as Pinus oocarpa wood, castor hull (Ricinus communis), and sugarcane bagasse (Saccharum officinarum) in different proportions: 1) 100% P. oocarpa wood; 2) 100% castor hull; 3) 100% sugarcane bagasse; 4) 50% P. oocarpa wood and 50% castor hull; and 5) 50% P. oocarpa wood and 50% sugarcane bagasse. The produced panels had a nominal density of 0.70 g/cm3, 8% urea-formaldehyde adhesive, specific pressure of 3.92 MPa, temperature of 160°C, and pressing time of 8 min. The panels produced with sugarcane bagasse, with or without pine wood, showed better dimensional stability. The panels produced with sugarcane bagasse only or with castor hull only showed the lowest values ​​of modulus of rupture and elasticity to the bending. However, despite these differences among the treatments, all treatments met the requirements of the EN 312 (2003) standard for internal use panels.
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