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Title: Avaliação do desenvolvimento de mudas de Araucaria angustifolia Bert. (O.) Kuntze para o estabelecimento de estratégias de coleta de sementes na região da Serra da Mantiqueira - MG
Other Titles: Evaluation of development of Araucaria angustifolia Bert. (O.) Kuntze seedlings to establishment of collection strategies of seeds near the region of Mantiqueira high-mountains - MG
Keywords: Pinheiro-do-Paraná - Melhoramento genético
Parâmetros genéticos
Pinheiro-do-Paraná - Genetic improvement
Parâmetros genéticos
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: União Latino-Americana de Tecnologia
Citation: PÁDUA, J. A. R. de et al. Avaliação do desenvolvimento de mudas de Araucaria angustifolia Bert. (O.) Kuntze para o estabelecimento de estratégias de coleta de sementes na região da Serra da Mantiqueira - MG. Revista da União Latino-americana de Tecnologia, [S. l.], n. 4, p. 16-33, 2016.
Abstract: The species Araucaria angustifolia (Bert.) O. Kuntze is a gimnosperm endangered of extinction since the nineties, typical from subtropical and temperate areas from South and Southeast of Brazil. Considering the relevance of closer forest remainders near the Environmental Preservation Area of Mantiqueira High-Mountains, where locates its northern distribution, this work had as objective defines permanent areas for seeds collection, starting from the evaluation of seedlings development in greenhouses. Seeds of 21 mother-trees distributed across a diverse landscape use were collected. The analysis of seedlings development showed that isolated mothertrees placed closer to forest remainders in the landscape presented faster development in relation to mother-trees located in urban areas or inside these forest remainders. In spite of results obtained, the establishment of areas to seeds collection should consider other aspects, such genetic diversity, healthiness and other aspects not evaluated in this study.
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