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Título: Os diálogos presentes no filme "O Menino e o Mundo" com a educação ambiental
Palavras-chave: Cinema
Educação ambiental
Divulgação científica
Environmental education
Scientific dissemination
Data do documento: 2018
Editor: Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem (IEL) Laboratório de Estudos Avançados em Jornalismo (Labjor)
Citação: SILVA, G. H. A.; OLIVEIRA, C. de S.; NASCIMENTO JÚNIOR, A. F. Os Diálogos presentes no filme "O Menino e o Mundo" com a educação ambiental. Revista do Edicc, Campinas, v. 5, n. 5, p. 119-130, out. 2018. Trabalho apresentado no 5º Encontro de Divulgação de Ciência e Cultura, 2018, [Campinas, SP].
Resumo: The objective of this work is to analyze the film "The boy and the world", relating the present dialogues between Environmental Education and scientific divulgation. The film is a Brazilian animation that portrays reality from the vision of a child. Through the presentation of his life trajectory, several social critiques are made throughout history, being a possible medium for discussions about the Brazilian reality. For the construction of this work, a qualitative analysis of the scenes considered significant for the Environmental Education discussion was carried out. Some of the scenes that we can highlight in the discussion about Environmental Education are those that show the precarious working conditions in which the individuals are submitted, the work alienated in the factories and the influence of the media in the formation of the opinion of the population. It is also clear in the film how social, political, economic, and cultural issues relate to and influence the environment. Thus, the film is related to Environmental Education, because it brings important criticisms to the reality of our society, in relation to social inequalities and injustices, the exploitation of man and natural resources. Considering that the film portrays issues of social reality, Environmental Education, from a critical bias, plays an important role in understanding these issues, since it allows a holistic view of the environment, making a relation between the different spheres of society with scientific knowledge. knowledge. In this sense, it is understood that cinema has the capacity to impact, sensitize, develop the imagination and the creativity of the spectators, besides being a means of socialization and production of knowledge. It allows the viewer to know different realities and articulate the different spheres of society.
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